TReK ANSI-C  5.3.2
toolkit_cfdp_api_error_codes.h File Reference

Error codes for the CFDP API (starts at 51001) More...


#define CFDP_OPEN_FILE_ERROR   51001
 Error opening a file.
#define CFDP_WRITE_FILE_ERROR   51002
 Error writing to a file.
#define CFDP_INVALID_EID   51003
 Invalid entity ID.
 CFDP is not configured to support status requests.
#define CFDP_TIMEOUT   51005
 The timer associated with the request expired.
#define CFDP_ARRAY_SIZE_ERROR   51006
 The size of the array is not large enough to hold the requested values.
 Failed to populate the CFDP collection class.
 CFDP class of service may only be class1 or class2.
 Invalid Ack timeout.
#define CFDP_INVALID_ACK_LIMIT   51010
 Invalid Ack limit.
 Invalid Nak timeout.
#define CFDP_INVALID_NAK_LIMIT   51012
 Invalid Nak limit.
 Invalid Inactivity timeout.
 Invalid file chunk size.
 Invalid aggregate file transfer rate.
 Invalid socket queue size.
 Invalid configuration file.
 Failed to call InitToolkitCfdp.
 Invalid primitive file.
 The lists of CFDP primitives are empty.
 Invalid primitive file version.
 Invalid put primitive.
 Invalid get primitive.
 Invalid filestore primitive.
 Invalid message primitive.
 Invalid dropbox primitive.
 Invalid configuration file version.
 Invalid transaction cycle time interval.
 Invalid steps per transaction cycle.
 Invalid lifespan.
 Invalid expedited priority ordinal.
 Invalid transaction result message timeout.
 Invalid configuration file line item.
 Primitive file and device mode are not compatible.
 Put primitive and device mode are not compatible.
 Get primitive and device mode are not compatible.
 Filestore primitive and device mode are not compatible.
 Message primitive and device mode are not compatible.
 Dropbox primitive and device mode are not compatible.
 Invalid CFDP device mode.
 Invalid filestore action.
 The message length is zero or exceeds the maximum allowed size.
 Invalid local entity ID.
 Invalid local port.
 Invalid remote entity ID.
 Invalid remote port.
 Invalid auto pause and resume mode.
 Invalid auto pause and resume connection test limit.

 Transaction does not currently exist.
 Invalid transaction count.
 Invalid directory action.
 Invalid CFDP library IP address.
 Invalid CFDP library port.
 Invalid CFDP crypt class.
 Invalid cipher class.
 Invalid peer public key path and file name.
 Invalid maximum NAK PDU size.
 Invalid auto resize maximum NAK PDU size.
#define CFDP_INVALID_TTL   51056
 Invalid TTL.

Detailed Description

Error codes for the CFDP API (starts at 51001)