TReK C++  5.3.2
Telemetry/Command API
All Error Codes
Error Macro Value Description
SUCCESS 0 The function completed successfully.
FAIL 1 The function failed for an unknown reason.
CMD_API_FILE_OPEN_ERR 11001 Could not open a file needed to complete request.
CMD_API_MAX_LEN_ERROR 11002 The length exceeds the maximum allowed.
CMD_API_MAX_NAME_LEN_ERROR 11003 The length of the name exceeds the maximum allowed.
CMD_API_DOES_NOT_EXIST 11004 Specified item does not exist.
CMD_API_NULL_POINTER 11005 NULL pointer on input.
CMD_API_BAD_INDEX 11006 Array index does not exist.
CMD_API_MISSING_XML_ITEM 11007 There is a missing item in the XML. Most likely a TReK internal coding error unless an XML file was edited by hand.
CMD_API_ALREADY_EXISTS 11008 Specified item already exists.
CMD_API_UNSUPPORTED_METHOD 11009 The function is not allowed for this destination.
CMD_API_NO_USER_RQSTS 11010 No user requests are available for this destination.
CMD_API_NO_STATUS_MESSAGES 11011 No status messages are available for this destination.
CMD_API_NO_CONFIG_MESSAGES 11012 No configuration messages are available for this destination.
CMD_API_BLANK_NAME 11013 The name cannot be an empty string.
CMD_API_NO_CMD_RESPONSES 11014 No responses are available for this destination.
CMD_API_ALREADY_REGISTERED 11015 You are already registered for command track
CMD_API_NOT_REGISTERED 11016 You are not registered for command track
CMD_API_NOT_A_SINGLE_FIELD 11017 Function requires that data only have a single field. Check command definition.
CMD_API_SEM_OPEN_ERROR 11018 Error registering for command track.
CMD_API_NO_CMDS 11019 No commands are defined.
CMD_API_NOT_CLEAR_TO_SEND 11020 The API is set to blocking and the destination is not ready to receive another command.
CMD_API_NO_COMMANDS 11021 There are no commands for this destination.
CMD_API_EMPTY_FIELD_VALUE 11022 One or more command fields do not have a value
CMD_API_NO_MOD_FIELDS 11023 No modifiable fields in the command
CMD_API_MISSING_XML_VERSION 11024 Version information was not available
CMD_API_UNKNOWN_XML_VERSION 11025 Unknown version (most like created with newer version of software)
CMD_API_ZERO_LENGTH 11026 The data provided must have a non-zero length
INTERFACE_DEV_API_NOT_FOUND 13002 Device API not found in property file
INTERFACE_DEV_API_NULL_PTR 13003 NULL pointer detected and avoided
CMD_API_INVALID_LENGTH 14001 This message indicates that the user specified command length is greater than what is allowed.
CMD_API_USER_DISABLED 14002 This error can occur for POIC destinations that are of the blocking type if destination checking is being performed on the User Enabled parameter that is included in the POIC Command System Status Message. This message indicates that TReK has determined that the POIC status indicates that the user is disabled from commanding. The request for uplink was never sent to the POIC from TReK.
CMD_API_MCCH_DISABLED 14003 This error can occur for POIC destinations that are of the blocking type if destination checking is being performed on the User Enabled parameter that is included in the POIC Command System Status Message. This message indicates that TReK has determined that the POIC status indicates that the Mission Control Center Houston (MCCH) is disabled for commanding. The request for uplink was never sent to the POIC from TReK.
CMD_API_POIC_DISABLED 14004 This error can occur for POIC destinations that are of the blocking type if destination checking is being performed on the User Enabled parameter that is included in the POIC Command System Status Message. This message indicates that TReK has determined that the POIC status indicates that the POIC is disabled for commanding. The request for uplink was never sent to the POIC from TReK.
CMD_API_REMOTE_USERS_DISABLED 14005 This error can occur for POIC destinations that are of the blocking type if destination checking is being performed on the User Enabled parameter that is included in the POIC Command System Status Message. This message indicates that TReK has determined that the POIC status indicates that all remote users are disabled from commanding. The request for uplink was never sent to the POIC from TReK.
CMD_API_MCCH_HAS_LOS 14006 This error can occur for POIC destinations that are of the blocking type if destination checking is being performed on the User Enabled parameter that is included in the POIC Command System Status Message. This message indicates that TReK has determined that the POIC status indicates that the Mission Control Center Houston (MCCH) is in LOS. The request for uplink was never sent to the POIC from TReK.
CMD_API_INVALID_COMMAND_MNEMONIC 14007 This error can occur for POIC destinations that are of the blocking type if destination checking is being performed on the User Enabled parameter that is included in the POIC Command System Status Message. This message indicates that TReK has determined that the command mnemonic supplied does not exist. The request was never sent from TReK.
CMD_API_DESTINATION_NOT_FOUND 14008 This message indicates that the specified destination does not exist. The destination may have been added to Command Processing
CMD_API_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND 14009 This message indicates that the specified command mnemonic does not exist for the destination.
CMD_API_HEADER_NOT_FOUND 14010 This message indicates that the specified header mnemonic does not exist for the destination.
CMD_API_FIELD_NOT_FOUND 14011 This message indicates that the specified field is not part of the header or command for this destination.
CMD_API_FIELD_NOT_MODIFIABLE 14012 This message indicates that the specified field exists
CMD_API_ILLEGAL_FIELD_TYPE 14013 You have specified an illegal field type. The two valid field types are COMMAND_FIELD and HEADER_FIELD.
CMD_API_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE 14014 The space you have allocated is insufficient to hold the returned data.
CMD_API_INCORRECT_DATATYPE 14015 The data type you have chosen does not match the field’s data type.
CMD_API_NO_INITIAL_DATA 14016 The modifiable field has no initial value.
CMD_API_INVALID_API_RETURN_CODE 14017 The error_code is not a known return value for the Command API library. String value still set.
CMD_API_VALUE_LESS_THAN_LOW_RANGE 14018 New value for update is too small.
CMD_API_VALUE_GREATER_THAN_HIGH_RANGE 14019 New value for update is too large.
CMD_API_USER_CLEARED_BLOCK 14020 Function returned due to user forcing the destination to unblock. This error only occurs for blocking destinations. The user is advised to proceed with caution
CMD_API_INCOMPLETE_COMMAND 14021 One or more fields for the command do not have a value.
CMD_API_INCOMPLETE_HEADER 14022 One or more fields for the header do not have a value.
CMD_API_NO_DATA_IN_FIELD 14023 Returned from the Get…Field functions when no data is stored in the field. Use an Update…Field function.
CMD_API_WAIT_TIMEOUT 14024 A timeout occurred while waiting for the data. If subsequent calls to API functions return this value
CMD_API_EXPECTED_STRING_DATA_TYPE 14025 Returned when the incorrect function is used to update a field value. Return code indicates you should use UpdateStringFieldValue.
CMD_API_EXPECTED_NUMERIC_DATA_TYPE 14026 Returned when the incorrect function is used to update a field value. Return code indicates you should use UpdateNumericFieldValue.
CMD_API_EXPECTED_BINARY_DATA_TYPE 14027 Returned when the incorrect function is used to update a field value. Return code indicates you should use UpdateBinaryFieldValue.
CMD_API_ILLEGAL_DESTINATION_TYPE 14028 Returned when a function is not allowed for the destination type. For example
CMD_API_PREDEFINED_COMMAND 14029 Returned from UpdateDestinationDatabase when the specified command has no modifiable fields.
CMD_API_MNEMONIC_LENGTH_ERROR 14030 The mnemonic must be less than or equal to twenty characters.
CMD_API_DATA_TYPE_IS_STRING 14031 Returned when the incorrect function is used to get a field’s value. Return code indicates you should use GetStringFieldValue.
CMD_API_DATA_TYPE_IS_BINARY 14032 Returned when the incorrect function is used to get a field’s value. Return code indicates you should use GetBinaryFieldValue.
CMD_API_DATA_TYPE_IS_NUMERIC 14033 Returned when the incorrect function is used to get a field’s value. Return code indicates you should use GetNumericFieldValue.
CMD_API_COMMAND_FIELD_TOO_LONG 14034 The option to always add a NULL terminating character is turned on and the length of one or more string fields in the command do not have room for the NULL character. See the message area in Command Processing for the field name.
CMD_API_HEADER_FIELD_TOO_LONG 14035 The option to always add a NULL terminating character is turned on and the length of one or more string fields in the header do not have room for the NULL character. See the message area in Command Processing for the field name.
CMD_API_CALIBRATION_ERROR 14036 A calibration error occurred while building the command. For example
CMD_API_CALIBRATED_VALUE_ERROR 14037 The calibrated value will not fit in the required field. For example
CMD_API_VALUE_ERROR 14038 The value will not fit in the required field. See the message area in Command Processing for the field name.
CMD_API_NUMBER_RETRIES_TOO_LARGE 14039 The number of retries is larger than what is allowed by the Command System Configuration Message.
CMD_API_NUMBER_RETRIES_TOO_SMALL 14040 The number of retries must be greater than or equal to zero.
CMD_API_INVALID_DESTINATION_NAME 14041 Returned if the destination name specified exceeds the maximum length for a destination name (24 characters).
CMD_API_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_ERROR 14042 The API could not create the necessary memory for thread storage. If you see this error
CMD_API_INITIALIZATION_ERROR 14043 The API could not initialize the needed resources. If you see this error
CMD_API_WAIT_FAILED 14044 The API failed while waiting for TReK to return data. If you see this error
CMD_API_WAIT_ABANDONED 14045 The API abandoned waiting for TReK to return data. If you see this error
CMD_API_ERROR_ATTACHING_THREAD 14046 The API could not attach the thread resources. If you see this error
CMD_API_TRR_MSG_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED 14102 Unknown message type received. Contact TReK help desk.
CMD_API_TRR_MSG_SUB_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED 14103 Unknown message subtype received. Contact TReK help desk.
CMD_API_TRR_ERROR_SENDING_TO_DECOM 14104 Message could not be built. Contact TReK help desk.
CMD_API_TRR_USER_VALIDATION_ERROR_FOUND 14105 User provided validation software found error in the uplink pattern. A detailed error code can be seen in the real time command data viewer.
CMD_API_TRR_USER_VALIDATION_TIMEOUT 14106 The user provided validation software did not return a status in the allotted time.
CMD_API_TRR_REQUEST_QUEUED 14107 The command request has been queued on the command node. An additional TRR message will be sent when the command is being processed.
CMD_API_TRR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 14108 Command request timed out. Command was rejected.
CMD_API_TRR_UPLINK_TREK_NOT_ALLOWED 14110 The UplinkTReKCommand function is not allowed by the command node.
CMD_API_TRR_UPLINK_POIC_NOT_ALLOWED 14111 The UplinkPOICCommand function is not allowed by the command node.
CMD_API_TRR_UPDATE_POIC_NOT_ALLOWED 14112 The UpdatePOICCommand function is not allowed by the command node.
CMD_API_TRR_UPDATE_CMD_NODE_NOT_ALLOWED 14113 The UpdateCommandNode function is not allowed by the command node.
CMD_API_TRR_CHECKSUM_ERROR 14114 A checksum error was found in the request. Try resending the command.
CMD_API_TRR_INTERNAL_TREK_ERROR 14115 Internal TReK error when trying to send request. See real time command data viewer for a detailed error code.
CMD_API_TRR_REMOTE_COMMANDING_DISABLED 14116 Remote commanding is disabled at the command node.
CMD_API_TRR_EXTRACTION_FAILURE 14117 Internal TReK error extracting information from the request. Contact TReK help desk.
CMD_API_TRR_CRITICAL_CMD_ACK_FAILURE 14118 Failure to acknowledge critical command.
CMD_API_TRR_USER_NOT_AUTH_FOR_CMD 14131 This command is not allowed to be updated or uplinked by the user.
CMD_API_TRR_USER_DISABLED 14135 The user is disabled by the command node.
CMD_API_TRR_INCOMPLETE_COMMAND 14145 The command could not be built because one or more of the fields do not have a value
CMD_API_TRR_INVALID_COMMAND_MNEMONIC 14160 The command was not found at the command node.
CMD_API_TRR_INVALID_COMMAND_FIELD_LENGTH 14162 A value will not fit into a command field. Most likely occurs when a NULL termination character could not be set for a string value.
CMD_API_TRR_CALIBRATED_VALUE_ERROR 14163 Calibrated value will not fit into the command field.
CMD_API_TRR_CONVERTED_VALUE_ERROR 14164 Converted value will not fit into the command field.
CMD_API_TRR_CALIBRATION_ERROR 14165 Error calibrating a field value.
CMD_API_TRR_UNKNOWN_ERROR_BUILDING_COMMAND 14166 Unable to build a command field.
CMD_API_TRR_INVALID_HEADER_MNEMONIC 14170 Header identified by command node could not be found.
CMD_API_TRR_INCOMPLETE_HEADER 14171 The header for the command could not be built because one or more of the fields do not have a value.
CMD_API_TRR_INVALID_HEADER_FIELD_LENGTH 14172 A value will not fit into a header field. Most likely occurs when a NULL termination character could not be set for a string value.
CMD_API_TRR_UNKNOWN_ERROR_BUILDING_HEADER 14176 Unable to build the header for the command.
CMD_API_TRR_UNKNOWN_ERROR 14199 Unknown TRR error returned.
CMD_API_FSV1_SEQ_ERROR 14201 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_CHECKSUM_FAIL 14202 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_INVALID_APID 14203 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_TIME_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE 14205 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_TIME_TAG_ERROR_FUTURE 14206 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_TIME_TAG_ERROR_PAST 14207 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_TIME_TAG_ERROR_QUEUE_FULL 14208 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_TIME_TAG_ERROR_DUPLICATE_CMD 14209 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_INVALID_STATION_MODE 14210 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_CMD_ROUTING_QUEUE_FULL 14211 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_APPLICATION_QUEUE_FULL 14213 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_INVALID_DUMP_ADDRESS 14214 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_CMD_ROUTING_ERROR 14215 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_CMD_INHIBITED 14251 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_ILLEGAL_CMD_CODE 14252 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_CMD_PARAMETER_ERROR 14253 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_IMPROPER_CMD_SEQ 14254 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_CMD_FUNCTION_NOT_AVAILABLE 14261 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_INCOMPATIBLE_OPERATION_STATE 14262 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_CMD_DEVICE_OR_PROCESS_BUSY 14263 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_CMD_ORU_UNAVAILABLE 14264 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_CMD_ORU_FAILED 14265 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_DETAIL_UNKNOWN_ERROR 14299 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_INVALID_COMPONENT 14302 Return Code defined in SSP 41154 Appendix E.
CMD_API_FSV1_INVALID_IN_CURRENT_STATE 14303 Return Code defined in SSP 41154 Appendix E.
CMD_API_FAILED_TO_SEND_PACKET 14401 This message indicates that TReK was unable to send the command to the destination. TReK may no longer be connected to the destination.
CMD_API_INTERNAL_FILE_ERROR 14402 This message indicates that TReK is unable to interpret the data values for the command fields in the TReK command database.
CMD_API_UNKNOWN_REQUEST 14403 This message indicates that TReK is unable to determine how to build the command (e.g.
CMD_API_DATA_DOES_NOT_EXIST 14404 This message indicates that TReK is not configured to send commands to this destination.
CMD_API_FAILED_TO_BUILD_HEADER 14405 This message indicates that TReK was unable to build the command packet’s header as defined in the database. Possible explanations are a command field length mismatch between the database field definition and the database field value or no database field definition or data value.
CMD_API_FAILED_TO_BUILD_COMMAND 14406 This message indicates that TReK was unable to build the command packet as defined in the database. Possible explanations are a command field length mismatch between the database field definition and the database field value or no database field definition or data value.
CMD_API_BUILD_INFO_DOES_NOT_EXIST 14407 This message indicates that TReK is not configured to send commands to this destination.
CMD_API_NETWORK_TIMEOUT 14408 This message indicates that TReK is not able to communicate with the socket that sends the command. The most likely explanation is the socket is busy receiving command responses from the command destination.
CMD_API_DATA_UNINITIALIZED 14409 This message indicates that TReK is not configured to send commands to this destination.
CMD_API_ERROR_BUILDING_PROTOCOL 14410 This message indicates that TReK was not able to properly build the EHS primary header or secondary header or checksum for the command packet.
CMD_API_UNDEFINED_NETWORK_PROTOCOL 14411 This message indicates that TReK is not configured to send commands to this destination.
CMD_API_HEADER_NOT_ON_WORD_BOUNDARY 14412 This message indicates that TReK did not properly build the command packet’s header. Possible explanations are an incorrect database field definition or incorrect database field value.
CMD_API_COMMAND_NOT_ON_WORD_BOUNDARY 14413 This message indicates that TReK did not properly build the command packet. Possible explanations are an incorrect database field definition or incorrect database field value.
CMD_API_UNKNOWN_INTERNAL_ERROR 14414 This message indicates that TReK did not send the command for an unknown reason. Please contact the TReK Help Desk for further assistance.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_ILLEGAL_SRC_MSG_KEY 14502 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ACTIVITY 14504 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_INVALID_MSG_LENGTH 14508 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_INVALID_MSG_SUBTYPE 14510 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_MSG_TYPE_USER_DATA_MISMATCH 14511 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_INVALID_TIME 14513 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_MSG_CHECKSUM_ERROR 14514 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_USER_NOT_AUTH_FOR_CMD 14531 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_MSG_SEQ_CNT_ERROR 14539 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_CMD_DB_ACCESS_ERROR 14544 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_INTERNAL_EHS_ERROR 14547 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_PARSE_ERROR 14564 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_UPDATE_FIELD_FAILURE 14566 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_EXTRACTING_UPDATE_INFO 14581 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_UPDATE_POIC_NOT_ALLOWED 14582 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_UPDATE_TREK_NOT_ALLOWED 14583 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_REMOTE_COMMANDING_DISABLED 14584 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_USER_DISABLED 14585 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_SENDING_REQUEST 14586 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_MISSING_FIELD 14587 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_NON_MODIFIABLE_FIELD 14588 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_CMD_NOT_FOUND 14589 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_BAD_FORMAT 14590 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_PARTIAL_UPDATE 14591 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_UPD_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR 14599 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_ILLEGAL_SRC_MSG_KEY 14602 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_ILLEGAL_ACTIVITY 14604 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_INVALID_MSG_LENGTH 14608 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_INVALID_MSG_TYPE 14609 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_INVALID_MSG_SUBTYPE 14610 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_MSG_TYPE_USER_DATA_MISMATCH 14611 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_INVALID_TIME 14613 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_MSG_CHECKSUM_ERROR 14614 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_CCSDS_CMD_CHECKSUM_ERROR 14618 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_USER_NOT_AUTH_FOR_CMD 14631 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_CMD_DOES_NOT_MATCH_MNEMONIC 14632 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_INVALID_PKT_SIZE 14633 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_EHS_DISABLED 14634 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_USER_DISABLED 14635 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_CMD_DISABLED 14636 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_ILLEGAL_STATION_MODE 14637 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_CMD_PATH 14638 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_MSG_SEQ_CNT_ERROR 14639 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_EHS_UPLINK_QUEUE_FULL 14641 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_ERROR_ADDING_TO_EHS_QUEUE 14642 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_NOT_CLEAR_TO_SEND 14643 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_CMD_DB_ACCESS_ERROR 14644 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_CMD_INCOMPLETE 14645 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_CMD_ABORTED_BY_USER 14646 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_INTERNAL_EHS_ERROR 14647 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_ERR_UNKNOWN_ERROR 14699 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_ILLEGAL_SRC_MSG_KEY 14702 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_ILLEGAL_APID 14703 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_ILLEGAL_ACTIVITY 14704 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_INVALID_SOURCE 14705 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_INVALID_DESTINATION 14706 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_PKT_SEQ_CNT_ERROR 14707 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_INVALID_MSG_LENGTH 14708 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_INVALID_MSG_TYPE 14709 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_INVALID_MSG_SUBTYPE 14710 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_MSG_TYPE_USER_DATA_MISMATCH 14711 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_INVALID_USER_DATA_FORMAT 14712 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_INVALID_TIME 14713 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_MSG_CHECKSUM_ERROR 14714 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_SRC_CMD_SYSTEM_DISABLED 14715 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_MCCH_DISABLED 14716 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_MCCH_UPLINK_QUEUE_FULL 14717 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_CCSDS_CMD_CHECKSUM_ERROR 14718 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_INVALID_CCSDS_SBAND_PKT_SIZE 14719 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_INVALID_CCSDS_ECOMM_PKT_SIZE 14720 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_ILLEGAL_CODE_IN_TIME_ID_FIELD 14721 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_ILLEGAL_CCSDS_PKT_TYPE 14722 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_INVALID_SEC_HDR_FLAG 14723 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_INVALID_CCSDS_PKT_LENGTH 14724 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_ILLEGAL_ELEMENT_ID 14725 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_INVALID_ELEMENT_ID 14726 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_FILE_TRANSFER_ABORTED 14727 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_INVALID_FILE_TRANSFER_PATH 14728 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR1_UNKNOWN_ERROR 14799 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_SEQ_ERROR 14801 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_CHECKSUM_FAIL 14802 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_INVALID_APID 14803 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_TIME_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE 14805 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_TIME_TAG_ERROR_FUTURE 14806 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_TIME_TAG_ERROR_PAST 14807 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_TIME_TAG_ERROR_QUEUE_FULL 14808 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_TIME_TAG_ERROR_DUPLICATE_CMD 14809 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_INVALID_STATION_MODE 14810 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_CMD_ROUTING_QUEUE_FULL 14811 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_APPLICATION_QUEUE_FULL 14813 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_INVALID_DUMP_ADDRESS 14814 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_CMD_ROUTING_ERROR 14815 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_CMD_INHIBITED 14851 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_ILLEGAL_CMD_CODE 14852 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_CMD_PARAMETER_ERROR 14853 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_IMPROPER_CMD_SEQ 14854 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_CMD_FUNCTION_NOT_AVAILABLE 14861 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_INCOMPATIBLE_OPERATION_STATE 14862 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_CMD_DEVICE_OR_PROCESS_BUSY 14863 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_CMD_ORU_UNAVAILABLE 14864 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_CMD_ORU_FAILED 14865 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_UNKNOWN_ERROR 14899 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV2_INVALID_COMPONENT 14902 Return Code defined in SSP 41154 Appendix E.
CMD_API_FSV2_INVALID_IN_CURRENT_STATE 14903 Return Code defined in SSP 41154 Appendix E.
CMD_API_CAR2_UPLINK_ERROR 14952 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CAR2_UNKNOWN_ERROR 14959 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_US_SEGMENT_ERROR 14962 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_US_SEGMENT_CMD_NOT_RECEIVED 14963 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_MCCH_UNABLE_TO_TRACK_CMD 14964 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_FSV1_UNKNOWN_ERROR 14969 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CRR_UNSUCCESSFUL 14972 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
CMD_API_CRR_UNKNOWN_ERROR 14979 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
TREK_DATA_VALUE_RANGE_ERROR 15001 The value entered does not meet range criteria for the method.
TREK_DATA_EXT_NUM_SAMP_PARAM_NOT_FOUND 15002 Could not find the external number of samples parameter. Check database definition.
TREK_DATA_DATA_WILL_NOT_FIT 15003 The data type is not capable of holding the value.
TREK_DATA_INVALID_START_BIT 15004 Invalid start bit for a parameter (past end of allowed packet).
TREK_DATA_ALREADY_EXISTS 15005 The item specified already exists.
TREK_DATA_END_OF_LIST 15006 No more items are in the list.
TREK_DATA_DOES_NOT_EXIST 15007 The specified item does not exist. Names are case-sensitive.
TREK_DATA_INVALID_DATA_TYPE 15008 Data type is not valid.
TREK_DATA_INVALID_LENGTH_FOR_DATA_TYPE 15009 The data type does not support the specified length.
TREK_DATA_INVALID_INPUT_FOR_TYPE 15011 The data type does not allow this method to be used for setting the value.
TREK_DATA_INVALID_BYTE_ORDER 15012 The byte order specified is not allowed based on the data type and length specified. For example
TREK_DATA_SAMPLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST 15013 The sample number specified is greater than the number of samples available for the parameter
TREK_DATA_INVALID_SAMPLE_NUMBER 15014 Valid sample numbers are greater than 0.
TREK_DATA_UNEXPECTED_ERROR 15015 Indicates a likely bug in the TReK code. Please notify the TReK Help desk if this occurs.
TREK_DATA_INVALID_VALUE 15016 Value is not valid (in a valid range).
TREK_DATA_FIXED_LENGTH_REQUIRED 15017 Data type cannot be variable length.
TREK_DATA_VALUE_MUST_BE_POSITIVE 15018 The value passed must be a non-negative number.
TREK_DATA_INVALID_CHAR_INPUT 15019 The string contains a character that is invalid.
TREK_DATA_INVALID_INPUT_FOR_DATA_TYPE 15020 The data type does not allow this method to be used for setting the value.
TREK_DATA_WILL_NOT_FIT 15021 Data is too long for the available space.
TREK_DATA_INVALID_DATA_FORMAT 15022 Data format is not valid. This indicates a likely bug in the TReK code. Please notify the TReK help desk if this occurs.
TREK_DATA_NOT_BOOLEAN_TYPE 15023 The input string is not a boolean string (true or false).
TREK_DATA_NOT_MODIFIABLE 15024 The value cannot be modified. A value marked as unmodifiable that has no value can be set once.
TREK_DATA_VALUE_LESS_THAN_MIN 15025 Input value is too small for the data type or is less than allowed by the low range.
TREK_DATA_VALUE_EXCEEDS_MAX 15026 Input value is too large for the data type or is more than allowed by the high range.
TREK_DATA_ZONE_ALREADY_EXISTS 15028 The specified zone (header
TREK_DATA_ERROR_BUILDING_HEADER_ZONE 15029 The header zone of the packet could not be built. Likely causes include parameter values not set.
TREK_DATA_ERROR_BUILDING_DATA_ZONE 15030 The data zone of the packet could not be built. Likely causes include parameter values not set.
TREK_DATA_ERROR_BUILDING_TRAILER_ZONE 15031 The trailer zone of the packet could not be built. Likely causes include parameter values not set.
TREK_DATA_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE 15032 The specified data buffer is not larger enough to hold the data.
TREK_DATA_MORE_THAN_ONE_PARAMETER 15033 The reference name appears more than once in the packet hierarchy. Use the fully-qualified name instead.
TREK_DATA_ERROR_BUILDING_LEN_PARAM 15034 Could not build the length parameter for the packet. Could occur if length parameter is deleted from the packet.
TREK_DATA_LEN_ZONE_ERROR 15035 Zone is invalid for length. This indicates a likely bug in the TReK code. Please notify the TReK help desk if this occurs.
TREK_DATA_ERROR_BUILDING_COUNTER_PARAM 15036 Could not build the counter parameter for the packet. Could occur if counter parameter is deleted from the packet.
TREK_DATA_ERROR_BUILDING_TIME_PARAM 15037 Could not build the time stamp parameter for the packet. Could occur if time stamp parameter is deleted from the packet.
TREK_DATA_ERROR_BUILDING_CHECKSUM_PARAM 15038 Could not build the checksum parameter for the packet. Could occur if checksum parameter is deleted from the packet.
TREK_DATA_UNKNOWN_LIMIT_TYPE 15039 Unknown limit type. This indicates a possible bug in the TReK code. Please notify the TReK help desk if this occurs.
TREK_DATA_CALIBRATOR_NOT_DEFINED 15040 A calibrator is not defined for the parameter.
TREK_DATA_ENUMERATOR_NOT_DEFINED 15041 An enumerator is not defined for the parameter.
TREK_DATA_RANGE_ERROR 15042 The data is out of the allowed range.
TREK_DATA_CALIBRATION_ERROR 15043 An error occurred when attempting to calibrate the parameter.
TREK_DATA_INCORRECT_LIMIT_TYPE 15044 The specified limit type is incorrect in this context.
TREK_DATA_LIMIT_LEVEL_NOT_IN_USE 15045 The specified limit level is not currently in use.
TREK_DATA_LIMIT_VALUE_TOO_SMALL 15046 The limit value is too small for this context.
TREK_DATA_LIMIT_VALUE_TOO_LARGE 15047 The limit value is too large for this context.
TREK_DATA_LIMIT_LEVEL_ERROR 15048 The value is not a valid limit level.
TREK_DATA_NEG_LEN_ERROR 15049 The calculated length is negative. This likely indicates that the input data is too short or the offset defined for the length is incorrect.
TREK_DATA_NO_VALUE 15050 Parameter has no value defined.
TREK_DATA_NO_PARENT 15051 Parent packet not defined. Likely an initialization problem.
TREK_DATA_EXT_NUM_SAMP_VALUE_FAIL 15052 Could not get a value for the external number of samples.
TREK_DATA_EXT_NUM_SAMP_EXTRACT_FAIL 15053 Could not extract the value for the external number of samples.
TREK_DATA_EXT_NUM_SAMP_BAD_VALUE 15054 The external number of samples is either zero or too large.
TREK_DATA_ENUMERATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST 15055 The value does not have an associated enumeration defined.
TREK_DATA_MISSING_ZONE 15056 The zone does not currently exist.
TREK_DATA_ERROR_BUILDING_IDENTIFIER 15057 Could not build an identifier parameter for the packet.
TREK_DATA_EXT_STATUS_PARAM_NOT_FOUND 15058 Could not find the external status parameter. Check database definition.
TREK_DATA_EXT_STATUS_VALUE_FAIL 15059 Could not get a value for the external status.
TREK_DATA_EXT_STATUS_EXTRACT_FAIL 15060 Could not extract the value for the external status.
TREK_DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR 15061 Data has error making it unconvertable.
TREK_LAST_BIT_ERROR 15062 Last bit is past the end of the packet.
TREK_DATA_COULD_NOT_LOAD_LIBRARY 15063 Could not load user created library.
TREK_DATA_COULD_NOT_FIND_LIB_FUNCTION 15064 Could not find function in user library.
TREK_DATA_INVALID_LENGTH 15065 The length for the parameter is not correct in this context.
TREK_DATA_VAR_LEN_NUM_SAMPLE_ERROR 15066 Variable length data must have a single sample.
TREK_DATA_UNKNOWN_ZONE 15067 Could not convert a zone string to an enumerator. Possibly indicates a TReK bug. Please contact the TReK help desk.
TREK_DATA_UNKNOWN_ID_TYPE 15068 Could not convert an identifier type string to an enumerator. Possibly indicates a TReK bug. Please contact the TReK help desk.
TREK_DATA_UNKNOWN_CHECKSUM_POINT 15070 Could not convert a checksum point string to an enumerator. Possibly indicates a TReK bug. Please contact the TReK help desk.
TREK_DATA_UNKNOWN_CHECKSUM_TYPE 15071 Could not convert a checksum type string to an enumerator. Possibly indicates a TReK bug. Please contact the TReK help desk.
TREK_DATA_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR 15072 Could not access file. May not have read or write privileges on the directory or file.
TREK_DATA_NO_VERSION_INFO 15073 Version information was required
TREK_DATA_XML_FMT_ERROR 15074 An element in XML was not properly formatted.
TREK_DATA_UNEXPECTED_XML_ELEMENT 15075 An unexpected element was found in the XML.
TREK_DATA_UNKNOWN_XML_VERSION 15076 The XML version is likely from a new version of TReK. Check that you are using the latest version of code for compile
TREK_DATA_COULD_NOT_CALC_START_PT 15077 Could not calculate the start point for the checksum. Most likely cause is that two or more 'zones' have variable length data which is not supported at this time.
TREK_DATA_COULD_NOT_CALC_END_PT 15078 Could not calculate the start point for the checksum. Most likely cause is that two or more 'zones' have variable length data which is not supported at this time.
TREK_DATA_CHECKSUM_START_PT_ERROR 15079 The calculated start point for the checksum is either prior to the start of the packet or past the end of it.
TREK_DATA_CHECKSUM_END_PT_ERROR 15080 The calculated end point for the checksum is either prior to the start of the packet or past the end of it.
TREK_DATA_CHECKSUM_PT_SWAP_ERROR 15081 The calculated end point is not after the calculated start point for the checksum.
TREK_DATA_HASH_SIZE_ERROR 15082 Indicates that a third-party library used for checksum calculations has changed. Please report this error to the TReK Help Desk.
TREK_DATA_TIME_ERROR 15083 Error retrieving time.
TREK_DATA_FRACTIONAL_TIME_VALUE_ERROR 15084 Fractional seconds is greater than allowed for current time settings.
TREK_DATA_NEG_TIME_NOT_ALLOWED 15085 Negative time is not allowed.
TREK_DATA_TIME_LENGTH_ERROR 15086 Time strings must be 19 characters or between 21 and 32 characters inclusive.
TREK_DATA_TIME_STRING_FORMAT_ERROR 15087 Time string format is incorrect. See allowed formats in trek::TrekTime.
TREK_DATA_TIME_TOO_SOON 15088 Times prior to midnight January 1
TREK_DATA_ILLEGAL_MONTH 15089 The month value must be between 1 and 12 inclusive. Note: Must represent months prior to 10 with a leading zero (e.g.
TREK_DATA_ILLEGAL_DAY 15090 The day value is not correct for the specified month.
TREK_DATA_ILLEGAL_HOURS 15091 The hour value must be between 0 and 23 inclusive. Note: Must represent hours prior to 10 with a leading zero (e.g.
TREK_DATA_ILLEGAL_MINUTES 15092 The minute value must be between 0 and 59 inclusive. Note: Must represent minutes prior to 10 with a leading zero (e.g.
TREK_DATA_ILLEGAL_SECONDS 15093 The second value must be less than 60. Fractional second values are allowed
TREK_DATA_NULL_PTR 15094 Returned when one or more arguments for a function are unexpectedly NULL.
TREK_DATA_BAD_INDEX 15095 The index specified does not exist.
TREK_DATA_PACKET_LENGTH_ERROR 15096 The packet length has an error. For extraction this likely indicates the data being extracted is incomplete.
TREK_DATA_CHECKSUM_ERROR 15097 The checksum in the packet does not match the calculated checksum.
TREK_DATA_MUST_BE_NON_ZERO 15098 The data value cannot be zero.
TREK_DATA_MUST_HAVE_VALUE 15099 Either a default or expected value is required.
TREK_DATA_NOT_IN_ZONE 15101 The parameter is not in the zone specified.
TREK_DATA_MOD_ZERO 15102 The modulo value must be greater than zero.
TREK_DATA_REMAINDER_TOO_LARGE 15103 The remainder value must be less than the modulo value
TREK_DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR 15104 Returned if Validation fails. A validation string containing detailed errors is available.
TREK_DATA_NO_IDENTIFIER 15105 An identifier could not be found when required.
TREK_DATA_ID_MISMATCH 15106 There are one or more identifiers that do not match
TREK_DATA_NOT_ALLOWED 15107 Whatever you are trying isn't allowed.
TREK_DATA_TIME_TOO_LATE 15108 Times past December 31
TREK_DATA_IS_INVALID 15109 The data is currently invalid and must be validated prior to use of this method.
TREK_DATA_INCORRECT_SWITCH_TYPE 15110 The configured switch type is incorrect for this method.
TREK_DATA_LOW_TO_HIGH 15111 The low value must be greater than the high value
TREK_DATA_NEED_UNIQUE_RANGE 15112 The range overlaps with a range that is already defined.
TREK_DATA_SWITCH_ERROR 15113 An error occurred when switching sets
TREK_DATA_BAD_SYLLABLE_NUMBER 15114 Syllable number exceeds the number of syllables defined.
TREK_DATA_VAR_LEN_SYLLABLE_ERROR 15115 Variable length data cannot have multiple syllables.
TREK_DATA_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE 15116 Could not open a file.
TREK_DATA_LIMIT_ALARM_MISMATCH 15117 Cannot add different limit alarm types.
DATA_STORE_MUTEX_CREATION_ERROR 16001 Error creating mutex needed for protecting access.
DATA_STORE_TMP_DIR_ERROR 16002 Could not determine temporary directory.
DATA_STORE_BUFFER_NUM_ERROR 16003 Value for number of buffers is not allowed.
DATA_STORE_BUFFER_WIDTH_ERROR 16004 Width specified for buffer is not allowed.
DATA_STORE_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE 16005 No data currently available.
DATA_STORE_NO_NEW_DATA 16006 No new data is available.
DATA_STORE_PACKET_DOES_NOT_EXIST 16008 Requested packet does not exist. Check spelling of input name(s).
DATA_STORE_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE 16009 There is not enough space to copy the data.
DATA_STORE_FILE_OPEN_ERROR 16010 Error opening a file needed to complete the request.
DATA_STORE_NO_SOURCES_AVAILABLE 16011 No sources are currently available. Possible cause is that you forgot to activate.
DATA_STORE_PID_DOES_NOT_EXIST 16013 A process id was needed
DATA_STORE_THREAD_DOES_NOT_EXIST 16014 A thread was not found. This is an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
DATA_STORE_SEM_DOES_NOT_EXIST 16015 A semaphore was not found. This is an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
DATA_STORE_SEM_ALREADY_EXISTS 16016 A semaphore already exists. This is an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
DATA_STORE_SHMEM_OPEN_ERROR 16017 Could not open shared memory. Some resources may not have been freed. Calling TelemetryApi::Cleanse() may free these resources.
DATA_STORE_MUTEX_OPEN_ERROR 16018 Could not open a mutex. Some resources may not have been freed. Calling TelemetryApi::Cleanse() may free these resources.
DATA_STORE_ALREADY_INITIALIZED 16019 Cannot initialize a data store more than once.
DATA_STORE_NAME_LENGTH_ERROR 16020 Data store name lengths must be between 1 and 200 characters inclusive.
DATA_STORE_NOT_INITIALIZED 16021 Data store must be initialized prior to calling this method.
DATA_STORE_PACKET_ALREADY_EXISTS 16022 You are trying to add a duplicate packet.
DATA_STORE_THREAD_START_ERROR 16023 Error starting a thread. This is an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
DATA_STORE_UNKNOWN_REQUEST 16024 An unknown request was made. Check the message log for details.
DATA_STORE_PACKET_ALIAS_ALREADY_EXISTS 16025 The alias for this packet already exists. Use a source name when adding (i.e.
DATA_STORE_ACTIVITY_REQUIRED 16026 An activity must be supplied.
DATA_STORE_ALIAS_REQUIRED 16027 An alias must be supplied.
DATA_STORE_NOT_FOUND 16028 Requested item could not be found.
DATA_STORE_BLANK_NAME 16029 A needed name is not available.
DATA_STORE_LENGTH_ERROR 16030 A length is incorrect.
DATA_STORE_PACKET_NO_LONGER_EXISTS 16031 The packet no longer exists in the buffer.
TLM_API_OPEN_SERVER_SHM_ERR 28001 Failed to open server shared memory.
TLM_API_OPEN_SERVER_MUTEX_ERR 28002 Failed to open the server mutex.
TLM_API_OPEN_SERVER_SEM_ERR 28003 Failed to open the server semaphore.
TLM_API_SERVER_WAIT_ERR 28004 Could not grab server mutex. Likely locked by another thread.
TLM_API_SERVER_SIGNAL_ERR 28005 Error signaling TReK server thread.
TLM_API_ALREADY_CONNECTED 28006 The Telemetry API instance is already connected.
TLM_API_SESSION_REQUEST_FAIL 28007 Failed to create Telemetry API session. Message log may contain additional information.
TLM_API_SESSION_WAIT_ERR 28008 Error waiting to be connected to the TReK data store.
TLM_API_OPEN_WORKER_SHM_ERR 28009 Failed to open worker shared memory.
TLM_API_NULL_POINTER 28010 A NULL pointer was detected where it shouldn't be.
TLM_API_SERVER_SHM_CLOSE_ERR 28011 Error closing server shared memory.
TLM_API_WORKER_SHM_CLOSE_ERR 28012 Error closing worker shared memory.
TLM_API_SERVER_MUTEX_CLOSE_ERR 28013 Error closing server mutex.
TLM_API_SERVER_SEM_CLOSE_ERR 28014 Error closing server semaphore.
TLM_API_LOCAL_MUTEX_CREATE_ERR 28015 Error creating mutex for Telemetry API thread safe protection.
TLM_API_LOCAL_MUTEX_CLOSE_ERR 28016 Error closing Telemetry API mutex.
TLM_API_DATA_STORE_WAIT_ERR 28017 Wait timeout expired. No response from TReK. Consider increasing the timeout value if it is currently very small.
TLM_API_COULD_NOT_LOAD_FILE 28018 Could not load a file necessary to complete the task.
TLM_API_FILE_LEN_ERR 28019 The file name is longer than allowed.
TLM_API_LENGTH_ERR 28020 A length error has occurred. Most likely caused by not enough space being allocated or an uninitialized input variable to the method or function.
TLM_API_PARAM_NAME_LEN_ERR 28021 The name of the parameter is too long.
TLM_API_FILE_OPEN_ERR 28022 Error opening a file needed to complete the operation.
TLM_API_ALREADY_EXISTS 28023 The item already exists.
TLM_API_DOES_NOT_EXIST 28024 The item does not exist.
TLM_API_NAME_LEN_ERROR 28025 The specified name is too long.
TLM_API_PKT_NAME_LEN_ERR 28026 The specified packet name is too long
TLM_API_INIT_FAILED 28027 The Telemetry API could not be initialized.
TLM_API_TLS_NULL 28028 Thread local storage is needed and not available.
TLM_API_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE 28029 The amount of space allocated for a copy is insufficient.
TCA_ENV_FETCH_ERROR 31001 Error retrieving environment variable.
TCA_CREATE_DIR_ERROR 31002 Error creating directory.
TCA_ERROR_NOT_DIR 31003 Name exists
TCA_SRC_DOES_NOT_EXIST 31004 The specified source does not exist or is not accessible by user.
TCA_DEST_DOES_NOT_EXIST 31005 The specified destination does not exist.
TCA_DEST_ALREADY_EXISTS 31006 The specified destinatino already exists.
TCA_DIR_NOT_FOUND 31007 The specified directory does not exist.
TCA_DIR_NOT_EMPTY 31008 The directory contains files and/or subdirectories.
TCA_XML_DOC_OUT_OF_MEMORY 31009 Memory error when creating XML document. See message log for additional information.
TCA_XML_DOC_EXCEPTION 31010 XML document exception. See message log for additional information.
TCA_XML_DOC_UNKNOWN_ERROR 31011 Unknown XML document error. See message log for additional information.
TCA_XML_DOC_ALREADY_EXISTS 31012 The XML document already exists.
TCA_XML_DOC_DOES_NOT_EXIST 31013 The XML document does not exist.
TCA_XML_ELEMENT_ALREADY_EXISTS 31014 The XML element already exists.
TCA_XML_PARSER_ERROR 31015 Error parsing XML document.
TCA_COULD_NOT_FIND_TMP_DIR 31016 Could not determine the system's temporary directory for completing action.
TCA_CLOSE_FAILED 31017 Could not close system resource.
TCA_NOT_AVAILABLE 31018 The requested system resource is not available. It may be uninitialized.
TCA_WAIT_FAILED 31019 The wait failed. This error is not the same as a timeout.
TCA_WAIT_TIMEOUT 31020 The wait timeout expired.
TCA_WAIT_ABANDONED 31021 The wait was abandoned.
TCA_WAIT_ERROR 31022 An unknown wait error occurred.
TCA_ALREADY_EXISTS 31023 The item already exists.
TCA_UNLOCK_FAIL 31024 Unable to release the resource.
TCA_UNLINK_FAILED 31025 Unable to unlink the resource.
TCA_OPEN_FAILED 31026 Unable to open the resource.
TCA_ALREADY_CREATED 31027 Resource is already created.
TCA_ALREADY_OPENED 31028 Resource is already opened.
TCA_CREATE_FAILED 31029 Failed to create resource.
TCA_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_ERROR 31030 Error signaling a semaphore.
TCA_NAME_TOO_LONG 31031 The specified name is too long.
TCA_SIZE_TOO_SMALL 31032 The specified name is too small.
TCA_ERROR_CREATING_SHMEM_FILE 31033 Error creating a shared memory file.
TCA_ERROR_MAPPING_SHMEM_FILE 31034 Error mapping a shared memory file.
TCA_ERROR_MAPPING_VIEW_SHMEM_FILE 31035 Error mapping a view of shared memory file.
TCA_ERROR_TRUNCATING_SHMEM_FILE 31036 Error truncating a shared memory file.
TCA_ERROR_UNLINKING_SHMEM_FILE 31037 Error unlinking a shared memory file.
TCA_ERROR_CLOSING_MAP_FILE_HANDLE 31038 Error closing a shared memory map file handle.
TCA_ERROR_CLOSING_SHMEM_FILE_HANDLE 31039 Error closing shared memory file handle.
TCA_ERROR_UNMAPPING_SHMEM_FILE 31040 Error unmapping shared memory file.
TCA_ERROR_CLOSING_OWNER_SEM 31041 Error closing the owner semaphore for a shared memory file.
TCA_ERROR_CLOSING_USER_SEM 31042 Error closing the user semaphore for a shared memory file.
TCA_ERROR_CREATING_OWNER_SEM 31043 Error creating the owner semaphore for a shared memory file.
TCA_ERROR_CREATING_USER_SEM 31044 Error creating the user semaphore for a shared memory file.
TCA_ERROR_OPENING_SHMEM_FILE_MAP 31045 Error opening shared memory file map.
TCA_ERROR_OPENING_SHMEM_FILE 31046 Error opening shared memory file.
TCA_ERROR_OPENING_OWNER_SEM 31047 Error opening owner semaphore for shared memory file.
TCA_ERROR_OPENING_USER_SEM 31048 Error opening user semaphore for shared memory file.
TCA_DOES_NOT_EXIST 31049 The specified item does not exist.
TCA_ILLEGAL_TYPE 31050 The requested item is not the requested type.
TCA_INVALID_RELATIVE_PATH 31051 The relative path is invalid.
TCA_ERROR_GETTING_BOOT_PORT 31052 Error getting boot port.
TCA_ERROR_STRAPPING_BOOT 31053 Error strapping boot port.
TCA_ERROR_SETTING_FILE_SIZE 31054 Error setting the file size for shared memory.
TCA_ERROR_WRITING_FILE 31055 Error writing shared memory file.
TCA_FRACTIONAL_TIME_VALUE_ERROR 31056 Fractional seconds is greater than allowed for current time settings.
TCA_NEG_TIME_NOT_ALLOWED 31057 Negative time is not allowed.
TCA_TIME_ERROR 31058 Error retrieving time.
TCA_MESSAGE_QUEUED 31059 Message could not be logged and was queued for logging at a later time.
TCA_QUEUE_FULL 31060 Message log queue is full.
TCA_INVALID_LENGTH 31061 The specified length is invalid for the operation.
TCA_XML_PARSER_INIT_FAILED 31062 Failed to initialize the XML parser.
TCA_NO_STRING_FOUND 31063 Could not find a string.
TCA_ERROR_OPENING_LOG_FILE 31064 Error opening the log file.
TCA_ERROR_WRITING_TO_LOG_FILE 31065 Error writing message to the log file.
TCA_NO_LOG_FILE_EXISTS 31067 No log file exists.
TCA_ERROR_RENAMING_LOG_FILE 31068 Error renaming log file.
TCA_ERROR_CLOSING_LOG_FILE 31069 Error closing log file.
TCA_NULL_POINTER 31070 A NULL pointer was detected.
TCA_FILE_OPEN_ERROR 31071 A file could not be opened. Most likely the file does not exist.
TCA_NO_ENOUGH_SPACE 31072 There is not enough space allocated to complete the task.
TCA_MUTEX_CREATION_ERROR 31101 Error creating mutex needed for protecting access.
TCA_TMP_DIR_ERROR 31102 Could not determine temporary directory.
TCA_PID_DOES_NOT_EXIST 31103 A process id was needed
TCA_THREAD_DOES_NOT_EXIST 31104 A thread was not found. This is an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
TCA_SHMEM_OPEN_ERROR 31105 Could not open shared memory. Some resources may not have been freed. Calling TelemetryApi::Cleanse() may free these resources.
TCA_MUTEX_OPEN_ERROR 31106 Could not open a mutex. Some resources may not have been freed. Calling TelemetryApi::Cleanse() may free these resources.
TCA_ALREADY_INITIALIZED 31107 Cannot initialize a data store more than once.
TCA_NAME_LENGTH_ERROR 31108 Data store name lengths must be between 1 and 200 characters inclusive.
TCA_THREAD_START_ERROR 31109 Error starting a thread. This is an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
TCA_UNKNOWN_REQUEST 31110 An unknown request was made. Most likely an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
TCA_ALREADY_CONNECTED 31111 The API is already connected. It is ok to continue.
TCA_NAME_LEN_ERROR 31112 The length of the name is invalid. Names must be 1-200 characters.
TCA_LOCAL_MUTEX_CREATE_ERR 31113 Error creating a mutex. Likely indicates that system resources exceeded limits.
TCA_OPEN_SERVER_SHM_ERR 31114 Could not open shared memory. Most likely the other side hasn't created the shared memory. Did you configure something with this name?
TCA_OPEN_SERVER_MUTEX_ERR 31115 Likely an internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
TCA_OPEN_SERVER_SEM_ERR 31116 Likely an internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
TCA_SERVER_WAIT_ERR 31117 A timeout occurred. Indicates something else has a lock on memory or a possible internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
TCA_SERVER_SIGNAL_ERR 31118 Unlikely to ever occur
TCA_SESSION_WAIT_ERR 31119 A timeout occurred. Indicates something else has a lock on memory or a possible internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
TCA_SESSION_REQUEST_FAIL 31120 Could not create an API session. Please contact TReK help desk for assistance.
TCA_OPEN_WORKER_SHM_ERR 31121 Likely an internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
TCA_WORKER_WAIT_ERR 31122 A timeout occurred. Indicates something else has a lock on memory or a possible internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
TCA_API_NOT_CONNECTED 31123 API is not connected. Most likely caused by the required TReK application closing the needed support.
TCA_ERROR_STARTING_THREAD 31124 Could not start a required thread.
TCA_API_NAME_NOT_SET 31125 Indicates a programming error internal to TReK. Contact the TReK help desk.
TUA_XML_DOC_OUT_OF_MEMORY 32001 Memory error when creating XML document. See message log for additional information.
TUA_XML_DOC_EXCEPTION 32002 XML document exception. See message log for additional information.
TUA_XML_DOC_UNKNOWN_ERROR 32003 Unknown XML document error. See message log for additional information.
TUA_XML_DOC_ALREADY_EXISTS 32004 The XML document already exists.
TUA_XML_DOC_DOES_NOT_EXIST 32005 The XML document does not exist.
TUA_XML_ELEMENT_ALREADY_EXISTS 32006 The XML element already exists.
TUA_XML_PARSER_ERROR 32007 Error parsing XML document.
TUA_XML_PARSER_INIT_FAILED 32008 Failed to initialize the XML parser.
TUA_ILLEGAL_TYPE 32009 The requested item is not the requested type.
TUA_ALREADY_EXISTS 32010 The item already exists.
TUA_CREATE_FAILED 32011 Failed to create resource.
TUA_CLOSE_FAILED 32012 Could not close system resource.
TUA_NOT_AVAILABLE 32013 The requested system resource is not available. It may be uninitialized.
TUA_WAIT_FAILED 32014 The wait failed. This error is not the same as a timeout.
TUA_WAIT_TIMEOUT 32015 The wait timeout expired.
TUA_WAIT_ABANDONED 32016 The wait was abandoned.
TUA_WAIT_ERROR 32017 An unknown wait error occurred.
TUA_UNLOCK_FAIL 32018 Unable to release the resource.
TUA_UNLINK_FAILED 32019 Unable to unlink the resource.
TUA_OPEN_FAILED 32020 Unable to open the resource.
TUA_ALREADY_CREATED 32021 Resource is already created.
TUA_ALREADY_OPENED 32022 Resource is already opened.
TUA_DOES_NOT_EXIST 32023 The specified item does not exist.
TUA_SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_ERROR 32024 Error signaling a semaphore.
TUA_ERROR_CREATING_SHMEM_FILE 32025 Error creating a shared memory file.
TUA_ERROR_MAPPING_SHMEM_FILE 32026 Error mapping a shared memory file.
TUA_ERROR_MAPPING_VIEW_SHMEM_FILE 32027 Error mapping a view of shared memory file.
TUA_ERROR_TRUNCATING_SHMEM_FILE 32028 Error truncating a shared memory file.
TUA_ERROR_UNLINKING_SHMEM_FILE 32029 Error unlinking a shared memory file.
TUA_ERROR_CLOSING_MAP_FILE_HANDLE 32030 Error closing a shared memory map file handle.
TUA_ERROR_CLOSING_SHMEM_FILE_HANDLE 32031 Error closing shared memory file handle.
TUA_ERROR_UNMAPPING_SHMEM_FILE 32032 Error unmapping shared memory file.
TUA_ERROR_CLOSING_OWNER_SEM 32033 Error closing the owner semaphore for a shared memory file.
TUA_ERROR_CLOSING_USER_SEM 32034 Error closing the user semaphore for a shared memory file.
TUA_ERROR_CREATING_OWNER_SEM 32035 Error creating the owner semaphore for a shared memory file.
TUA_ERROR_CREATING_USER_SEM 32036 Error creating the user semaphore for a shared memory file.
TUA_ERROR_OPENING_SHMEM_FILE_MAP 32037 Error opening shared memory file map.
TUA_ERROR_OPENING_SHMEM_FILE 32038 Error opening shared memory file.
TUA_ERROR_OPENING_OWNER_SEM 32039 Error opening owner semaphore for shared memory file.
TUA_ERROR_OPENING_USER_SEM 32040 Error opening user semaphore for shared memory file.
TUA_NAME_TOO_LONG 32041 The specified name is too long.
TUA_SIZE_TOO_SMALL 32042 The specified name is too small.
TUA_COULD_NOT_FIND_TMP_DIR 32043 Could not determine the system's temporary directory for completing action.
TUA_FORMAT_ERROR 32044 Format problem with the input data.
TUA_RANGE_ERROR 32045 A value is out of the allowed range for the data type.
TUA_FILE_OPEN_ERROR 32046 Could not open a file.
TUA_MISSING_ELEMENT 32047 A required XML element was missing.
TUA_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE 32048 A required XML attribute was missing.
TUA_COULD_NOT_LOAD_SCHEMA 32049 Could not load the specified schema. Check that path exists and file conforms to standard.
API_INVALID_PACKET_TYPE 35001 The packet type is not one of the allowed types: PDSS_PAYLOAD
API_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE 35002 The parameter type is not of of the allowed types: EHS_PACKET
API_INVALID_MSID 35004 The parameter name is not valid
API_INVALID_DATA_MODE 35005 The data mode is not one of the allowed modes.
API_INVALID_APID 35006 The APID is outside of the allowed range.
API_TOO_MANY_SAMPLES 35007 Not considered an error. Returned if the number of samples available is less than the number of samples requested.
API_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND 35008 Parameter not found. Check the spelling of the parameter name. Also check that the packet type and data mode are correct.
API_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE 35010 Returned if there is no data available. This can occur when a packet has been initialized
API_NO_NEW_DATA 35012 Returned if there is no new data available.
API_CALIBRATION_NOT_DEFINED 35013 Calibration is not defined for this parameter.
API_INCORRECT_DATATYPE 35014 Returned if the data to be returned is not the correct datatype. For example
API_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE 35016 The memory allocated for the returned value is not large enough. Check the returned size of data to see what is the minimum needed.
API_INVALID_LIMIT_ES_FLAG 35020 The limit/expected state (LES) flag must be 0 (No LES sensing) or 1 (Check for LES errors)
API_MEMORY_ERROR 35022 General memory error. Could indicate a problem with data definition.
API_DATA_SIZE_ERROR 35023 Error associated with data size. Check metadata definition for accuracy.
API_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE 35024 Returned if there is more data available for this parameter. This indicates that another GetNext... call can be made to retrieve new data.
API_WAIT_FAILED 35029 The API failed while waiting for TReK to return data. If you see this error
API_WAIT_ABANDONED 35030 The API abandoned waiting for TReK to return data. If you see this error
API_WAIT_TIMEOUT 35031 The API timed out while waiting for TReK to return data. This error could indicate that your computer is unable to process the amount of data being requested.
API_ERROR_ATTACHING_THREAD 35032 Not used anymore.
API_UNKNOWN_RETURN_CODE 35033 Not used anymore. The 'unknown' return code is passed back for help in understanding problems.
DS_THREAD_START_ERROR 50001 Error starting a thread.
DS_THREAD_TIMEOUT 50002 A timeout occurred while starting a thread.
DS_THREAD_STOP_ERROR 50003 Error stopping a thread.
DS_LIBRARY_LOAD_ERROR 50004 Error loading a device library using pathname.
DS_LIBRARY_ADDRESS_ERROR 50005 Error addressing a device library.
DS_FILE_READ_SIZE_ERROR 50006 Error identifying the bytes to read from a file.
DS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND 50007 The device name or key does not match any existing device.
DS_INVALID_FILE_DEVICE_TYPE 50008 The file device type is not invlaid.
DS_INVALID_SEND_TO_DEVICE 50009 Cannot send packets to this device.
DS_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE 50010 The device type does not support request.
DS_DEVICE_HAS_EXISTING_PHP 50011 The device has an existing packet header processor.
DS_PACKET_KEY_NOT_FOUND 50012 The packet key was not found in the associated map.
DS_PHP_PACKET_TYPE_MISMATCH 50013 The packet header processors do not describe the same headers.
DS_PHP_VECTOR_EMPTY 50014 The vector of packet header processors is empty.
DS_DEVICE_HAS_EXISTING_PACKET_TRANSFORMER 50015 The device has an existing packet transformer.
DS_INVALID_PACKET_TRANSFORMER_TYPE 50016 The packet transformer type does not match an existing transformer type.
DS_PACKET_TRANSFORMER_INITIALIZATION_ERROR 50017 Error initializing packet transformer.
DS_PACKET_TRANSFORMER_PHP_MISMATCH 50018 The packet transformers's packet header processor does not match it's neighbors.
DS_SOCKET_CREATION_ERROR 50019 Error creating socket.
DS_SOCKET_BIND_ERROR 50020 Error binding socket to ip address and port.
DS_SOCKET_LISTEN_STATE_ERROR 50021 Error configuring socket to accept connections.
DS_SOCKET_INVALID 50022 The socket is not connected and cannot support the request.
DS_SOCKET_RECEIVE_FROM_ERROR 50023 Error receiving packet from the network.
DS_SOCKET_CONNECTION_ERROR 50024 Error connecting socket.
DS_SOCKET_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_ERROR 50025 Error caused by timeout waiting for socket to complete connection.
DS_SOCKET_JOIN_MULTICAST_GROUP_ERROR 50026 Error joining multicast group.
DS_SOCKET_IP_ADDRESS_CONVERSION_ERROR 50027 Error converting IP address.
DS_SOCKET_OPTION_MULTICAST_TTL_ERROR 50028 Error setting the multicast time to live parameter.
DS_SOCKET_OPTION_KEEPALIVE_ERROR 50029 Error setting the keepalive parameter.
DS_ARRAY_SIZE_ERROR 50030 The size of the array is not large enough to hold the requested values.
DS_TIMEOUT 50031 The timer associated with the request expired.
DS_DEVICE_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR 50032 The device key buffer is too small to host the device key.
DS_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR 50033 The packet buffer is too small to host the packet.
DS_IP_ADDRESS_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR 50034 The IP address buffer is too small to host the IP address.
DS_PHP_NOT_DEFINED 50035 The referenced packet header processor was not defined.
DS_CANNOT_ASSIGN_EXISTING_ALIAS_NAME 50036 The alias name currently exists.
DS_PHP_PACKET_SIZE_FIELD_ERROR 50037 The bit length of the packet size field cannot exceeds the maximum exceptable value.
DS_PHP_SYNC_SIZE_ERROR 50038 The byte length of the sync pattern cannot exceeds the maximum exceptable value.
DS_PHP_SYNC_BYTE_BOUNDARY_ERROR 50039 The sync pattern must be on a byte boundary.
DS_PHP_PACKET_SEQUENCE_COUNT_FIELD_ERROR 50040 The bit length of the packet sequence count field cannot exceeds the maximum exceptable value.
DS_PHP_PACKET_KEY_FIELD_ERROR 50041 The bit length of the packet key field cannot exceeds the maximum exceptable value.
DS_FILE_OPEN_ERROR 50042 Error opening the file.
DS_FILE_CLOSE_ERROR 50043 Error opening the file.
DS_WRITE_TO_LOG_FILE_ERROR 50044 Error writing message to the log file.
DS_NO_LOG_FILE_EXISTS 50045 No log file exists.
DS_ERROR_RENAMING_LOG_FILE 50046 Error renaming log file.
DS_WINSOCK_DLL_VERSION_ERROR 50047 Error calling WSAStartup.
DS_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR 50048 The value is too large to fit in the associated buffer.
DS_NULL_POINTER_ERROR 50049 Invalid pointer value of NULL.
DS_RECORDING_CURRENTLY_ACTIVATED 50050 The start recording request cannot be executed because recording is already being performed.
DS_INVALID_BP_LIFETIME 50051 Invalid bundle protocol lifetime (lifetime must be greater than zero).
DS_INVALID_BP_CLASS_OF_SERVICE 50052 Invalid bundle protocol class of service.
DS_INVALID_BP_TRANSMISSION_MODE 50053 Invalid bundle protocol transmission mode.
DS_INVALID_BP_EXPEDITED_PRIORITY_ORDINAL 50054 Invalid bundle protocol expedited priority ordinal (ordinal must be less than 255).
DS_INVALID_BP_CRITICALITY 50055 Invalid bundle protocol criticality.
DS_INVALID_BP_SERVICE 50056 Invalid bundle protocol service (<lifespan>/<cos>/<ordinal>/<mode>/<custody>).
DS_FILE_RENAME_ERROR 50057 Error renaming the file.
DS_NAMED_PIPE_CREATION_ERROR 50058 Error creating named pipe
DS_DEVICE_HAS_EXISTING_CIPHER 50059 Error device has an existing cipher
DS_DEVICE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_CIPHER 50060 Error device has an existing cipher
DS_NO_CRYPT_LIBRARY_DEVICE_EXISTS 50061 Error no crypt library device exists
DS_SOCKET_OPTION_BROADCAST_ERROR 50062 Error setting broadcast socket option
DS_EMAIL_MESSAGE_LENGTH_IS_TOO_LONG 50063 Error email message length is too long
DS_TEXT_MESSAGE_LENGTH_IS_TOO_LONG 50064 Error text message length is too long
CFDP_OPEN_FILE_ERROR 51001 Error opening a file.
CFDP_WRITE_FILE_ERROR 51002 Error writing to a file.
CFDP_INVALID_EID 51003 Invalid entity ID.
CFDP_STATUS_REQUEST_ERROR 51004 CFDP is not configured to support status requests.
CFDP_TIMEOUT 51005 The timer associated with the request expired.
CFDP_ARRAY_SIZE_ERROR 51006 The size of the array is not large enough to hold the requested values.
CFDP_FAILED_TO_POPULATE_COLLECTION 51007 Failed to populate the CFDP collection class.
CFDP_INVALID_CLASS_OF_SERVICE 51008 CFDP class of service may only be class1 or class2
CFDP_INVALID_ACK_TIMEOUT 51009 Invalid Ack timeout.
CFDP_INVALID_ACK_LIMIT 51010 Invalid Ack limit.
CFDP_INVALID_NAK_TIMEOUT 51011 Invalid Nak timeout.
CFDP_INVALID_NAK_LIMIT 51012 Invalid Nak limit.
CFDP_INVALID_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT 51013 Invalid Inactivity timeout.
CFDP_INVALID_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE 51014 Invalid file chunk size.
CFDP_INVALID_AGGREGATE_FILE_TRANSFER_RATE 51015 Invalid aggregate file transfer rate.
CFDP_INVALID_SOCKET_QUEUE_SIZE 51016 Invalid socket queue size
CFDP_INVALID_CONFIG_FILE 51017 Invalid configuration file.
CFDP_FAILED_TO_INIT_TOOLKIT_CFDP 51018 Failed to call InitToolkitCfdp.
CFDP_INVALID_PRIMITIVE_FILE 51019 Invalid primitive file.
CFDP_EMPTY_PRIMITIVE_LISTS 51020 The lists of CFDP primitives are empty.
CFDP_INVALID_PRIMITIVE_FILE_VERSION 51021 Invalid primitive file version.
CFDP_INVALID_PUT_PRIMITIVE 51022 Invalid put primitive.
CFDP_INVALID_GET_PRIMITIVE 51023 Invalid get primitive.
CFDP_INVALID_FILESTORE_PRIMITIVE 51024 Invalid filestore primitive.
CFDP_INVALID_MESSAGE_PRIMITIVE 51025 Invalid message primitive.
CFDP_INVALID_DROPBOX_PRIMITIVE 51026 Invalid dropbox primitive.
CFDP_INVALID_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION 51027 Invalid configuration file version.
CFDP_INVALID_TRANSACTION_CYCLE_TIME_INTERVAL 51028 Invalid transaction cycle time interval.
CFDP_INVALID_STEPS_PER_TRANSACTION_CYCLE 51029 Invalid steps per transaction cycle.
CFDP_INVALID_LIFESPAN_IN_SEC 51030 Invalid lifespan.
CFDP_INVALID_EXPEDITED_PRIORITY_ORDINAL 51031 Invalid expedited priority ordinal.
CFDP_INVALID_TRANSACTION_RESULT_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT 51032 Invalid transaction result message timeout.
CFDP_INVALID_CONFIG_FILE_LINE_ITEM 51033 Invalid configuration file line item.
CFDP_PRIMITIVE_FILE_DEVICE_MODE_INCOMPATIBILITY 51034 Primitive file and device mode are not compatible.
CFDP_PUT_PRIMITIVE_DEVICE_MODE_INCOMPATIBILITY 51035 Put primitive and device mode are not compatible.
CFDP_GET_PRIMITIVE_DEVICE_MODE_INCOMPATIBILITY 51036 Get primitive and device mode are not compatible.
CFDP_FILESTORE_PRIMITIVE_DEVICE_MODE_INCOMPATIBILITY 51037 Filestore primitive and device mode are not compatible.
CFDP_MESSAGE_PRIMITIVE_DEVICE_MODE_INCOMPATIBILITY 51038 Message primitive and device mode are not compatible.
CFDP_DROPBOX_PRIMITIVE_DEVICE_MODE_INCOMPATIBILITY 51039 Dropbox primitive and device mode are not compatible.
CFDP_INVALID_DEVICE_MODE 51040 Invalid CFDP device mode.
CFDP_INVALID_FILESTORE_ACTION 51041 Invalid filestore action.
CFDP_MESSAGE_LENGTH_ERROR 51042 The message length is zero or exceeds the maximum allowed size.
CFDP_INVALID_LOCAL_ENTITY_ID 51043 Invalid local entity ID.
CFDP_INVALID_LOCAL_PORT 51044 Invalid local port.
CFDP_INVALID_REMOTE_ENTITY_ID 51045 Invalid remote entity ID.
CFDP_INVALID_REMOTE_PORT 51046 Invalid remote port.
CFDP_INVALID_AUTO_PAUSE_AND_RESUME_MODE 51047 Invalid auto pause and resume mode.
CFDP_INVALID_AUTO_PAUSE_AND_RESUME_CT_LIMIT 51048 Invalid auto pause and resume connection test limit.
CFDP_TRANSACTION_DOES_NOT_CURRENTLY_EXIST 51049 Transaction does not currently exist.
CFDP_INVALID_TRANSACTION_COUNT 51050 Invalid transaction count.
CFDP_INVALID_DIRECTORY_ACTION 51051 Invalid directory action.
CFDP_INVALID_CFDP_LIBRARY_PORT 51053 Invalid CFDP library port.
CFDP_INVALID_CFDP_CRYPT_CLASS 51054 Invalid CFDP crypt class.
CFDP_INVALID_CIPHER_CLASS 51055 Invalid cipher class.
CFDP_INVALID_PEER_PUB_KEY_PATH_AND_FILE_NAME 51056 Invalid peer public key path and file name.
CFDP_INVALID_NAK_MAX_PDU_SIZE 51057 Invalid maximum NAK PDU size.
CFDP_INVALID_AUTO_RESIZE_NAK_MAX_PDU_SIZE 51058 Invalid auto resize maximum NAK PDU size.
EXPRESS_OPEN_FILE_ERROR 52001 Error opening a file.
EXPRESS_INVALID_FUNCTION_CODE 52002 Valid function code ranges for payloads are 0010 - FFFE inclusive
EXPRESS_NULL_POINTER 52003 NULL pointer not allowed
EXPRESS_NEED_VERSION 52004 The version must be the first configuration item in the file
EXPRESS_ALREADY_INITIALIZED 52005 Library can only be initialized successfully once
EXPRESS_INVALID_CHAR_IN_TCP_PORT 52006 The port number must be a number
EXPRESS_INVALID_TCP_PORT_RANGE 52007 The port number must be between 1-65
EXPRESS_INVALID_CHAR_IN_FUNC_CODE 52008 The function code must only contain hexadecimal digits
EXPRESS_INVALID_NUM_HEX_DIGITS 52009 The function code can only have up to four hexadecimal digits
EXPRESS_MISSING_CONFIG_ITEM 52010 One or more required items are missing from the configuration file.
EXPRESS_COULD_NOT_DEFINE_PKT_LEN 52011 An internal function failed to set the packet length field
EXPRESS_COULD_NOT_DEFINE_SYNC 52012 An internal function failed to set the sync for the packet.
EXPRESS_COULD_NOT_CREATE_TCP_LISTENER 52013 Could not create the TCP listener socket for communications with the RIC.
EXPRESS_COULD_NOT_ATTACH_PHP 52014 Could not attach packet header processor to socket.
EXPRESS_COULD_NOT_REGISTER_CALLBACK 52015 Could not register callback to process EXPRESS packets.
EXPRESS_UNKNOWN_FILE_VERSION 52016 The configuration file version number is not known by this version of the software
EXPRESS_INVALID_CHAR_IN_VERSION 52017 The version number must be an unsigned integer
EXPRESS_MISSING_METADATA 52018 Could not find the metadata as part of the install. Set Metadata in configuration file.
EXPRESS_METADATA_LOAD_ERROR 52019 Could not load the required metadata information. If message logging from the device services API is turned on a detailed message is printed to the log.
EXPRESS_METADATA_FIND_ERROR 52020 Could not find a required metadata item. If message logging is turned on a detailed message is printed to the log.
EXPRESS_METADATA_SET_ERROR 52021 Could not set a required parameter. If message logging is turned on a detailed message is printed to the log.
EXPRESS_METADATA_BUILD_ERROR 52022 Could not build metadata. If message logging is turned on a detailed message is printed to the log.
EXPRESS_NOT_INITIALIZED 52023 API is not initialized and function cannot be used. Must call InitExpressToolkit() prior to using this function.
EXPRESS_SEND_ERROR 52024 Error sending data. If message logging is turned on a detailed message is printed to the log.
EXPRESS_ILLEGAL_ANCILLARY_ID 52025 The specified ancillary data ID is not allowed.
EXPRESS_NOT_WORD_BOUNDARY 52026 EXPRESS packets must be on a word boundary (even number of bytes)
EXPRESS_LENGTH_TOO_SHORT 52027 EXPRESS packets must be at least 10 bytes (includes sync)
EXPRESS_LENGTH_TOO_LONG 52028 The lenght is longer than allowed for internal buffers.
EXPRESS_PKT_MISSING_SYNC 52029 EXPRESS packet must contain a sync (0x55AA) in the first two bytes.
EXPRESS_HDR_LEN_ERROR 52030 The length of encoded in the EXPRESS header does not match the data received.
EXPRESS_ALREADY_EXISTS 52031 The item already exists.
EXPRESS_DOES_NOT_EXIST 52032 The item does not exist.
EXPRESS_UDP_SOCKET_CREATE_ERROR 52033 Could not create a UDP socket for sending bypass telemetry.
EXPRESS_INVALID_APID 52034 APID value is not in valid range.
EXPRESS_CCSDS_LEN_ERROR 52035 The length in the CCSDS header field is incorrect.
EXPRESS_RIC_NOT_CONNECTED 52036 Returned if an action requires the Rack Interface Controller (RIC) to be connected to the payload software.
ERIS_SIM_CONTROLLER_NOT_FOUND 54001 Could not find ERIS simulator controller
ERIS_SIM_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_FILE_PROPERTY_MISSING 54002 Configuration file property is missing
ERIS_SIM_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_FILE_MISSING 54003 Could not find config file
ERIS_SIM_CONTROLLER_ALREADY_INITIALIZED 54005 ERIS simulator controller is already initialized
ERIS_SIM_CONTROLLER_NOT_INITIALIZED 54007 ERIS simulator controller is not initialized
IONIZER_PROCESS_FILE_NOT_FOUND 58001 Could not find the process.txt file in the specified directory.
IONIZER_ION_LOG_FILE_NOT_FOUND 58002 Could not find the ion.log file in the specified directory.
IONIZER_ALREADY_WATCHING 58003 The Watch function has already been called. You must stop it first.
IONIZER_NULL_POINTER 58004 NULL pointer detected.
RD_OPEN_FILE_ERROR 61001 Error opening a file.
RD_INVALID_CONFIG_FILE 61002 Invalid configuration file.
RD_FAILED_TO_INIT_TOOLKIT_RECORD_DEVICE 61003 Failed to InitToolkitRecordDevice.
RD_INVALID_RECORD_LIBRARY_DEVICE_NAME 61004 Invalid record library device name.
RD_INVALID_RECORD_LIBRARY_IP_ADDRESS 61005 Invalid record library IP address.
RD_INVALID_RECORD_LIBRARY_PORT 61006 Invalid record library port.
RD_INVALID_RECORD_PATH 61007 Invalid record path.
RD_INVALID_RECORD_FILE_NAME 61008 Invalid record file name.
RD_INVALID_RECORD_CLASS 61009 Invalid record class.
RD_INVALID_RECORD_FILE_IP_ADDRESS 61010 Invalid record file IP address.
RD_INVALID_RECORD_FILE_PORT 61011 Invalid record file port.
RD_INVALID_PHP_CONFIG_PATH_NAME 61012 Invalid record class path and filename.
RD_INVALID_RECORD_CLASS_TYPE 61013 Invalid record class type.
RD_INVALID_RECORD_FILE_TRANSFER_TYPE 61014 Invalid record file transfer type.
RD_INVALID_CFDP_DROPBOX_PATH 61015 Invalid CFDP dropbox path.
RD_INVALID_PUT_PRIMITIVE 61016 Invalid Put primitive.
RD_FAILED_TO_SET_CFDP_PUT 61017 Failed to set CFDP Put.
RD_FAILED_TO_GET_CFDP_TRANSMISSION 61018 Failed to get CFDP transmission.
RD_FAILED_TO_GET_CFDP_DESTINATION_PATH 61019 Failed to get CFDP destination path.
RD_FAILED_TO_GET_CFDP_DESTINATION_EID 61020 Failed to get CFDP destination EID.
RD_INVALID_CFDP_LIBRARY_DEVICE_NAME 61022 Invalid CFDP library device name.
RD_INVALID_DESTINATION_ENTITY_ID 61023 Invalid destination entity ID.
RD_RECORD_FILE_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR 61024 Record file name buffer size error.
RD_INVALID_RECORD_LIBRARY_PROTOCOL 61025 Invalid record library protocol.
EMAIL_OPEN_FILE_ERROR 63001 Error opening a file.
EMAIL_WRITE_FILE_ERROR 63002 Error reading a file.
EMAIL_INVALID_CONFIG_FILE 63003 Invalid configuration file.
EMAIL_FAILED_TO_PROVIDE_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD 63004 Failed to provide email account password.
EMAIL_FAILED_TO_INIT_TOOLKIT_EMAIL_DEVICE 63005 Failed to initialize toolkit email device.
EMAIL_INVALID_TEXT_CELL_PHONE_PRIMITIVE 63006 Invalid text cell phone primitive.
EMAIL_INVALID_TO_EMAIL_PRIMITIVE 63007 Invalid to email primitive.
EMAIL_INVALID_CC_EMAIL_PRIMITIVE 63008 Invalid cc email primitive.
EMAIL_INVALID_SEND_FILE_EMAIL_PRIMITIVE 63009 Invalid send file primitive.
EMAIL_NULL_POINTER_ERROR 63010 Invalid pointer value of NULL.
EMAIL_MESSAGE_LENGTH_IS_TOO_LONG 63011 Email message is too long to fit in the message buffer
TEXT_MESSAGE_LENGTH_IS_TOO_LONG 63012 Text message is too long to fit in the text buffer
PEP_ETH_OPEN_FILE_ERROR 65001 Error opening a file.
PEP_ETH_NULL_POINTER 65002 NULL pointer not allowed.
PEP_ETH_NEED_VERSION 65003 The version must be the first configuration item in the file.
PEP_ETH_ALREADY_INITIALIZED 65004 Library can only be initialized successfully once.
PEP_ETH_MISSING_CONFIG_ITEM 65005 One or more required items are missing from the configuration file.
PEP_ETH_UNKNOWN_FILE_VERSION 65006 The configuration file version number is not known by this version of the software.
PEP_ETH_INVALID_CHAR_IN_VERSION 65007 The version number must be an unsigned integer.
PEP_ETH_MISSING_METADATA 65008 Could not find the metadata as part of the install. Set Metadata in configuration file.
PEP_ETH_METADATA_LOAD_ERROR 65009 Could not load the required metadata information. If message logging from the device services API is turned on a detailed message is printed to the log.
PEP_ETH_METADATA_FIND_ERROR 65010 Could not find a required metadata item. If message logging is turned on a detailed message is printed to the log.
PEP_ETH_METADATA_SET_ERROR 65011 Could not set a required parameter. If message logging is turned on a detailed message is printed to the log.
PEP_ETH_METADATA_BUILD_ERROR 65012 Could not build metadata. If message logging is turned on a detailed message is printed to the log.
PEP_ETH_NOT_INITIALIZED 65012 API is not initialized and function cannot be used. Must call PepInitToolkit() prior to using this function.
PEP_ETH_SEND_ERROR 65014 Error sending data. If message logging is turned on a detailed message is printed to the log.
PEP_ETH_ILLEGAL_ANCILLARY_ID 65015 The specified ancillary data ID is not allowed.
PEP_ETH_NOT_WORD_BOUNDARY 65016 PEP Ethernet packets must be on a word boundary (even number of bytes).
PEP_ETH_LENGTH_TOO_SHORT 65017 PEP Ethernet packets must be at least 10 bytes (includes sync).
PEP_ETH_LENGTH_TOO_LONG 65018 The lenght is longer than allowed for internal buffers.
PEP_ETH_DOES_NOT_EXIST 65019 The item does not exist.
PEP_ETH_NOT_CONNECTED 65020 Returned if an action requires the connection to the PEP software is active.
PEP_ETH_INCORRECT_PAYLOAD_RESPONSE_LENGTH 65501 Protocol Error: The length for the payload response messages is not correct.
PEP_ETH_INCORRECT_ANCILLARY_LENGTH 65502 Protocol Error: The length of the ancillary data is not correct.
PEP_ETH_INCORRECT_CMD_LENGTH 65503 Protocol Error: The length of the command is not correcto.
PEP_ETH_UNKNOWN_MSG_TYPE 65504 Protocol Error: Unknown message type.
TREK_HPEG_API_TOO_MANY_DESTINATIONS 77001 More destinations are available than can be return. First 100 destinations found were returned.
TREK_HPEG_API_INTERNAL_CODING_ERROR 77002 Error should never occur
TREK_HPEG_API_DESTINATION_NOT_FOUND 77003 The requested destination does not exist. Check the spelling including capitalization of the letters.
TREK_HPEG_API_INVALID_REQUEST 77004 The requested value is incorrect. Check the spelling of the requested value.
TREK_HPEG_API_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE 77005 Not enough space is available to copy the returned string.
TREK_HPEG_API_STRING_TOO_LONG 77006 A string value provided is too long. Most likely the destination name.
TREK_HPEG_API_INIT_FAILED 77007 Could not initialize the HPEG API. Can occur if the HPEG application has not activated (logged into POIC).
TREK_HPEG_API_DEPRECATED 77008 Requested value is no longer supported by the protocol. May be available through another function call. Check the API help pages.
TREK_HPEG_API_TOO_MANY_GATEWAYS 77009 More DTN gateways are available than can be return. First 100 DTN gateways found were returned.
TREK_HPEG_API_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND 77010 The requested gateway does not exist. Check the spelling including capitalization of the letters.
TREK_HPEG_API_DOES_NOT_EXIST 77011 The specified item does not exist.
TREK_HPEG_API_NULL_POINTER 77012 A NULL pointer was passed in. Check you parameter inputs
TREK_HPEG_API_ZERO_VALUE 77013 A zero was provided as a value and cannot be used.
TREK_HPEG_API_RESERVED_VALUE 77014 Value cannot be used.
TREK_HPEG_API_ALREADY_EXISTS 77015 Specified item already exists.
TREK_HPEG_API_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE 77016 Could not open the specified file.
TREK_HPEG_API_DIR_DOES_NOT_EXIST 77017 Specified directory does not exist.
TREK_HPEG_API_QUICK_CONFIG_NOT_AVAILABLE 77018 Returned if quick configure is not available. Check that HPEG is active and DTN information is available.
TREK_HPEG_API_QC_NUM_ENDPT_FAILED 77019 Unexpected failure getting endpoints during quick configure.
TREK_HPEG_BAD_INPUT_FORMAT 77020 An input value was incorrect