TReK C++  5.3.2
Telemetry/Command API
trek_data_error_codes.h File Reference

Error codes for the Data API (starts at 15001). More...


 The value entered does not meet range criteria for the method.
 Could not find the external number of samples parameter. Check database definition.
 The data type is not capable of holding the value.
 Invalid start bit for a parameter (past end of allowed packet).
 The item specified already exists.
#define TREK_DATA_END_OF_LIST   15006
 No more items are in the list.
#define TREK_DATA_DOES_NOT_EXIST   15007
 The specified item does not exist. Names are case-sensitive.
 Data type is not valid.
 The data type does not support the specified length.
 (Considered Success) Function or method call worked, but there may be loss of data (e.g., used a float to set an integer).
 The data type does not allow this method to be used for setting the value.
 The byte order specified is not allowed based on the data type and length specified. For example, only BIG_ENDIAN_BYTE_ORDER is allowed for data types that are not on a byte boundary.
 The sample number specified is greater than the number of samples available for the parameter.
 Valid sample numbers are greater than 0.
 Indicates a likely bug in the TReK code. Please notify the TReK Help desk if this occurs.
 Value is not valid (in a valid range).
 Data type cannot be variable length.
 The value passed must be a non-negative number.
 The string contains a character that is invalid.
 The data type does not allow this method to be used for setting the value.
#define TREK_DATA_WILL_NOT_FIT   15021
 Data is too long for the available space.
 Data format is not valid. This indicates a likely bug in the TReK code. Please notify the TReK help desk if this occurs.
 The input string is not a boolean string (true or false).
 The value cannot be modified. A value marked as unmodifiable that has no value can be set once.
 Input value is too small for the data type or is less than allowed by the low range.
 Input value is too large for the data type or is more than allowed by the high range.
 The specified zone (header, data, or trailer) is already populated.
 The header zone of the packet could not be built. Likely causes include parameter values not set.
 The data zone of the packet could not be built. Likely causes include parameter values not set.
 The trailer zone of the packet could not be built. Likely causes include parameter values not set.
 The specified data buffer is not larger enough to hold the data.
 The reference name appears more than once in the packet hierarchy. Use the fully-qualified name instead.
 Could not build the length parameter for the packet. Could occur if length parameter is deleted from the packet.
#define TREK_DATA_LEN_ZONE_ERROR   15035
 Zone is invalid for length. This indicates a likely bug in the TReK code. Please notify the TReK help desk if this occurs.
 Could not build the counter parameter for the packet. Could occur if counter parameter is deleted from the packet.
 Could not build the time stamp parameter for the packet. Could occur if time stamp parameter is deleted from the packet.
 Could not build the checksum parameter for the packet. Could occur if checksum parameter is deleted from the packet.
 Unknown limit type. This indicates a possible bug in the TReK code. Please notify the TReK help desk if this occurs.
 A calibrator is not defined for the parameter.
 An enumerator is not defined for the parameter.
#define TREK_DATA_RANGE_ERROR   15042
 The data is out of the allowed range.
 An error occurred when attempting to calibrate the parameter.
 The specified limit type is incorrect in this context.
 The specified limit level is not currently in use.
 The limit value is too small for this context.
 The limit value is too large for this context.
 The value is not a valid limit level.
#define TREK_DATA_NEG_LEN_ERROR   15049
 The calculated length is negative. This likely indicates that the input data is too short or the offset defined for the length is incorrect.
#define TREK_DATA_NO_VALUE   15050
 Parameter has no value defined.
#define TREK_DATA_NO_PARENT   15051
 Parent packet not defined. Likely an initialization problem.
 Could not get a value for the external number of samples.
 Could not extract the value for the external number of samples.
 The external number of samples is either zero or too large.
 The value does not have an associated enumeration defined.
#define TREK_DATA_MISSING_ZONE   15056
 The zone does not currently exist.
 Could not build an identifier parameter for the packet.
 Could not find the external status parameter. Check database definition.
 Could not get a value for the external status.
 Could not extract the value for the external status.
 Data has error making it unconvertable.
#define TREK_LAST_BIT_ERROR   15062
 Last bit is past the end of the packet.
 Could not load user created library.
 Could not find function in user library.
 The length for the parameter is not correct in this context.
 Variable length data must have a single sample.
#define TREK_DATA_UNKNOWN_ZONE   15067
 Could not convert a zone string to an enumerator. Possibly indicates a TReK bug. Please contact the TReK help desk.
 Could not convert an identifier type string to an enumerator. Possibly indicates a TReK bug. Please contact the TReK help desk.
 Could not convert a checksum point string to an enumerator. Possibly indicates a TReK bug. Please contact the TReK help desk.
 Could not convert a checksum type string to an enumerator. Possibly indicates a TReK bug. Please contact the TReK help desk.
 Could not access file. May not have read or write privileges on the directory or file.
 Version information was required, but not available. Likely cause is an XML file that was edited improperly.
#define TREK_DATA_XML_FMT_ERROR   15074
 An element in XML was not properly formatted.
 An unexpected element was found in the XML.
 The XML version is likely from a new version of TReK. Check that you are using the latest version of code for compile, link, and run.
 Could not calculate the start point for the checksum. Most likely cause is that two or more 'zones' have variable length data which is not supported at this time.
 Could not calculate the start point for the checksum. Most likely cause is that two or more 'zones' have variable length data which is not supported at this time.
 The calculated start point for the checksum is either prior to the start of the packet or past the end of it.
 The calculated end point for the checksum is either prior to the start of the packet or past the end of it.
 The calculated end point is not after the calculated start point for the checksum.
 Indicates that a third-party library used for checksum calculations has changed. Please report this error to the TReK Help Desk.
#define TREK_DATA_TIME_ERROR   15083
 Error retrieving time.
 Fractional seconds is greater than allowed for current time settings.
 Negative time is not allowed.
 Time strings must be 19 characters or between 21 and 32 characters inclusive.
 Time string format is incorrect. See allowed formats in trek::TrekTime.
#define TREK_DATA_TIME_TOO_SOON   15088
 Times prior to midnight January 1, 1970 are not supported.
 The month value must be between 1 and 12 inclusive. Note: Must represent months prior to 10 with a leading zero (e.g., 03).
#define TREK_DATA_ILLEGAL_DAY   15090
 The day value is not correct for the specified month.
 The hour value must be between 0 and 23 inclusive. Note: Must represent hours prior to 10 with a leading zero (e.g., 02).
 The minute value must be between 0 and 59 inclusive. Note: Must represent minutes prior to 10 with a leading zero (e.g., 07).
 The second value must be less than 60. Fractional second values are allowed, but seconds prior to 10 with a leading zero (e.g., 01).
#define TREK_DATA_NULL_PTR   15094
 Returned when one or more arguments for a function are unexpectedly NULL.
#define TREK_DATA_BAD_INDEX   15095
 The index specified does not exist.
 The packet length has an error. For extraction this likely indicates the data being extracted is incomplete.
 The checksum in the packet does not match the calculated checksum.
#define TREK_DATA_MUST_BE_NON_ZERO   15098
 The data value cannot be zero.
 Either a default or expected value is required.
#define TREK_DATA_NOT_IN_ZONE   15101
 The parameter is not in the zone specified.
#define TREK_DATA_MOD_ZERO   15102
 The modulo value must be greater than zero.
 The remainder value must be less than the modulo value.
 Returned if Validation fails. A validation string containing detailed errors is available.
 An identifier could not be found when required.
#define TREK_DATA_ID_MISMATCH   15106
 There are one or more identifiers that do not match.
#define TREK_DATA_NOT_ALLOWED   15107
 Whatever you are trying isn't allowed.
#define TREK_DATA_TIME_TOO_LATE   15108
 Times past December 31, 2099 are not supported.
#define TREK_DATA_IS_INVALID   15109
 The data is currently invalid and must be validated prior to use of this method.
 The configured switch type is incorrect for this method.
#define TREK_DATA_LOW_TO_HIGH   15111
 The low value must be greater than the high value.
 The range overlaps with a range that is already defined.
#define TREK_DATA_SWITCH_ERROR   15113
 An error occurred when switching sets.
 Syllable number exceeds the number of syllables defined.
 Variable length data cannot have multiple syllables.
 Could not open a file.
 Cannot add different limit alarm types.

Detailed Description

Error codes for the Data API (starts at 15001).