TReK C++  5.3.2
Telemetry/Command API
trek_toolkit_common_api_error_codes.h File Reference

Error codes for the Common API (starts at 31001). More...


#define TCA_ENV_FETCH_ERROR   31001
 Error retrieving environment variable.
#define TCA_CREATE_DIR_ERROR   31002
 Error creating directory.
#define TCA_ERROR_NOT_DIR   31003
 Name exists, but is a file and not a directory.
#define TCA_SRC_DOES_NOT_EXIST   31004
 The specified source does not exist or is not accessible by user.
#define TCA_DEST_DOES_NOT_EXIST   31005
 The specified destination does not exist.
 The specified destinatino already exists.
#define TCA_DIR_NOT_FOUND   31007
 The specified directory does not exist.
#define TCA_DIR_NOT_EMPTY   31008
 The directory contains files and/or subdirectories.
#define TCA_XML_DOC_OUT_OF_MEMORY   31009
 Memory error when creating XML document. See message log for additional information.
#define TCA_XML_DOC_EXCEPTION   31010
 XML document exception. See message log for additional information.
 Unknown XML document error. See message log for additional information.
 The XML document already exists.
#define TCA_XML_DOC_DOES_NOT_EXIST   31013
 The XML document does not exist.
 The XML element already exists.
#define TCA_XML_PARSER_ERROR   31015
 Error parsing XML document.
#define TCA_COULD_NOT_FIND_TMP_DIR   31016
 Could not determine the system's temporary directory for completing action.
#define TCA_CLOSE_FAILED   31017
 Could not close system resource.
#define TCA_NOT_AVAILABLE   31018
 The requested system resource is not available. It may be uninitialized.
#define TCA_WAIT_FAILED   31019
 The wait failed. This error is not the same as a timeout.
#define TCA_WAIT_TIMEOUT   31020
 The wait timeout expired.
#define TCA_WAIT_ABANDONED   31021
 The wait was abandoned.
#define TCA_WAIT_ERROR   31022
 An unknown wait error occurred.
#define TCA_ALREADY_EXISTS   31023
 The item already exists.
#define TCA_UNLOCK_FAIL   31024
 Unable to release the resource.
#define TCA_UNLINK_FAILED   31025
 Unable to unlink the resource.
#define TCA_OPEN_FAILED   31026
 Unable to open the resource.
#define TCA_ALREADY_CREATED   31027
 Resource is already created.
#define TCA_ALREADY_OPENED   31028
 Resource is already opened.
#define TCA_CREATE_FAILED   31029
 Failed to create resource.
 Error signaling a semaphore.
#define TCA_NAME_TOO_LONG   31031
 The specified name is too long.
#define TCA_SIZE_TOO_SMALL   31032
 The specified name is too small.
 Error creating a shared memory file.
 Error mapping a shared memory file.
 Error mapping a view of shared memory file.
 Error truncating a shared memory file.
 Error unlinking a shared memory file.
 Error closing a shared memory map file handle.
 Error closing shared memory file handle.
 Error unmapping shared memory file.
 Error closing the owner semaphore for a shared memory file.
 Error closing the user semaphore for a shared memory file.
 Error creating the owner semaphore for a shared memory file.
 Error creating the user semaphore for a shared memory file.
 Error opening shared memory file map.
 Error opening shared memory file.
 Error opening owner semaphore for shared memory file.
 Error opening user semaphore for shared memory file.
#define TCA_DOES_NOT_EXIST   31049
 The specified item does not exist.
#define TCA_ILLEGAL_TYPE   31050
 The requested item is not the requested type.
 The relative path is invalid.
 Error getting boot port.
 Error strapping boot port.
 Error setting the file size for shared memory.
#define TCA_ERROR_WRITING_FILE   31055
 Error writing shared memory file.
 Fractional seconds is greater than allowed for current time settings.
#define TCA_NEG_TIME_NOT_ALLOWED   31057
 Negative time is not allowed.
#define TCA_TIME_ERROR   31058
 Error retrieving time.
#define TCA_MESSAGE_QUEUED   31059
 Message could not be logged and was queued for logging at a later time.
#define TCA_QUEUE_FULL   31060
 Message log queue is full.
#define TCA_INVALID_LENGTH   31061
 The specified length is invalid for the operation.
 Failed to initialize the XML parser.
#define TCA_NO_STRING_FOUND   31063
 Could not find a string.
 Error opening the log file.
 Error writing message to the log file.
#define TCA_NO_LOG_FILE_EXISTS   31067
 No log file exists.
 Error renaming log file.
 Error closing log file.
#define TCA_NULL_POINTER   31070
 A NULL pointer was detected.
#define TCA_FILE_OPEN_ERROR   31071
 A file could not be opened. Most likely the file does not exist.
#define TCA_NO_ENOUGH_SPACE   31072
 There is not enough space allocated to complete the task.
 Error creating mutex needed for protecting access.
#define TCA_TMP_DIR_ERROR   31102
 Could not determine temporary directory.
#define TCA_PID_DOES_NOT_EXIST   31103
 A process id was needed, but can't be found. This is an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
 A thread was not found. This is an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
#define TCA_SHMEM_OPEN_ERROR   31105
 Could not open shared memory. Some resources may not have been freed. Calling TelemetryApi::Cleanse() may free these resources.
#define TCA_MUTEX_OPEN_ERROR   31106
 Could not open a mutex. Some resources may not have been freed. Calling TelemetryApi::Cleanse() may free these resources.
 Cannot initialize a data store more than once.
#define TCA_NAME_LENGTH_ERROR   31108
 Data store name lengths must be between 1 and 200 characters inclusive.
#define TCA_THREAD_START_ERROR   31109
 Error starting a thread. This is an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
#define TCA_UNKNOWN_REQUEST   31110
 An unknown request was made. Most likely an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
 The API is already connected. It is ok to continue.
#define TCA_NAME_LEN_ERROR   31112
 The length of the name is invalid. Names must be 1-200 characters.
 Error creating a mutex. Likely indicates that system resources exceeded limits.
#define TCA_OPEN_SERVER_SHM_ERR   31114
 Could not open shared memory. Most likely the other side hasn't created the shared memory. Did you configure something with this name?
 Likely an internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
#define TCA_OPEN_SERVER_SEM_ERR   31116
 Likely an internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
#define TCA_SERVER_WAIT_ERR   31117
 A timeout occurred. Indicates something else has a lock on memory or a possible internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
#define TCA_SERVER_SIGNAL_ERR   31118
 Unlikely to ever occur, but could indicate system resource limit has been reached.
#define TCA_SESSION_WAIT_ERR   31119
 A timeout occurred. Indicates something else has a lock on memory or a possible internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
 Could not create an API session. Please contact TReK help desk for assistance.
#define TCA_OPEN_WORKER_SHM_ERR   31121
 Likely an internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
#define TCA_WORKER_WAIT_ERR   31122
 A timeout occurred. Indicates something else has a lock on memory or a possible internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
#define TCA_API_NOT_CONNECTED   31123
 API is not connected. Most likely caused by the required TReK application closing the needed support.
 Could not start a required thread.
#define TCA_API_NAME_NOT_SET   31125
 Indicates a programming error internal to TReK. Contact the TReK help desk.

Detailed Description

Error codes for the Common API (starts at 31001).