TReK C++  5.3.2
Telemetry/Command API
trek_utilities_error_codes.h File Reference

Error codes for the Utilities API (starts at 32001). More...


#define TUA_XML_DOC_OUT_OF_MEMORY   32001
 Memory error when creating XML document. See message log for additional information.
#define TUA_XML_DOC_EXCEPTION   32002
 XML document exception. See message log for additional information.
 Unknown XML document error. See message log for additional information.
 The XML document already exists.
#define TUA_XML_DOC_DOES_NOT_EXIST   32005
 The XML document does not exist.
 The XML element already exists.
#define TUA_XML_PARSER_ERROR   32007
 Error parsing XML document.
 Failed to initialize the XML parser.
#define TUA_ILLEGAL_TYPE   32009
 The requested item is not the requested type.
#define TUA_ALREADY_EXISTS   32010
 The item already exists.
#define TUA_CREATE_FAILED   32011
 Failed to create resource.
#define TUA_CLOSE_FAILED   32012
 Could not close system resource.
#define TUA_NOT_AVAILABLE   32013
 The requested system resource is not available. It may be uninitialized.
#define TUA_WAIT_FAILED   32014
 The wait failed. This error is not the same as a timeout.
#define TUA_WAIT_TIMEOUT   32015
 The wait timeout expired.
#define TUA_WAIT_ABANDONED   32016
 The wait was abandoned.
#define TUA_WAIT_ERROR   32017
 An unknown wait error occurred.
#define TUA_UNLOCK_FAIL   32018
 Unable to release the resource.
#define TUA_UNLINK_FAILED   32019
 Unable to unlink the resource.
#define TUA_OPEN_FAILED   32020
 Unable to open the resource.
#define TUA_ALREADY_CREATED   32021
 Resource is already created.
#define TUA_ALREADY_OPENED   32022
 Resource is already opened.
#define TUA_DOES_NOT_EXIST   32023
 The specified item does not exist.
 Error signaling a semaphore.
 Error creating a shared memory file.
 Error mapping a shared memory file.
 Error mapping a view of shared memory file.
 Error truncating a shared memory file.
 Error unlinking a shared memory file.
 Error closing a shared memory map file handle.
 Error closing shared memory file handle.
 Error unmapping shared memory file.
 Error closing the owner semaphore for a shared memory file.
 Error closing the user semaphore for a shared memory file.
 Error creating the owner semaphore for a shared memory file.
 Error creating the user semaphore for a shared memory file.
 Error opening shared memory file map.
 Error opening shared memory file.
 Error opening owner semaphore for shared memory file.
 Error opening user semaphore for shared memory file.
#define TUA_NAME_TOO_LONG   32041
 The specified name is too long.
#define TUA_SIZE_TOO_SMALL   32042
 The specified name is too small.
#define TUA_COULD_NOT_FIND_TMP_DIR   32043
 Could not determine the system's temporary directory for completing action.
#define TUA_FORMAT_ERROR   32044
 Format problem with the input data.
#define TUA_RANGE_ERROR   32045
 A value is out of the allowed range for the data type.
#define TUA_FILE_OPEN_ERROR   32046
 Could not open a file.
#define TUA_MISSING_ELEMENT   32047
 A required XML element was missing.
 A required XML attribute was missing.
 Could not load the specified schema. Check that path exists and file conforms to standard.

Detailed Description

Error codes for the Utilities API (starts at 32001).