#define | TLM_API_OPEN_SERVER_SHM_ERR 28001 |
| Failed to open server shared memory.
| Failed to open the server mutex.
#define | TLM_API_OPEN_SERVER_SEM_ERR 28003 |
| Failed to open the server semaphore.
#define | TLM_API_SERVER_WAIT_ERR 28004 |
| Could not grab server mutex. Likely locked by another thread.
#define | TLM_API_SERVER_SIGNAL_ERR 28005 |
| Error signaling TReK server thread.
| The Telemetry API instance is already connected.
| Failed to create Telemetry API session. Message log may contain additional information.
#define | TLM_API_SESSION_WAIT_ERR 28008 |
| Error waiting to be connected to the TReK data store.
#define | TLM_API_OPEN_WORKER_SHM_ERR 28009 |
| Failed to open worker shared memory.
#define | TLM_API_NULL_POINTER 28010 |
| A NULL pointer was detected where it shouldn't be.
#define | TLM_API_SERVER_SHM_CLOSE_ERR 28011 |
| Error closing server shared memory.
#define | TLM_API_WORKER_SHM_CLOSE_ERR 28012 |
| Error closing worker shared memory.
| Error closing server mutex.
#define | TLM_API_SERVER_SEM_CLOSE_ERR 28014 |
| Error closing server semaphore.
| Error creating mutex for Telemetry API thread safe protection.
| Error closing Telemetry API mutex.
#define | TLM_API_DATA_STORE_WAIT_ERR 28017 |
| Wait timeout expired. No response from TReK. Consider increasing the timeout value if it is currently very small.
#define | TLM_API_COULD_NOT_LOAD_FILE 28018 |
| Could not load a file necessary to complete the task.
#define | TLM_API_FILE_LEN_ERR 28019 |
| The file name is longer than allowed.
#define | TLM_API_LENGTH_ERR 28020 |
| A length error has occurred. Most likely caused by not enough space being allocated or an uninitialized input variable to the method or function.
#define | TLM_API_PARAM_NAME_LEN_ERR 28021 |
| The name of the parameter is too long.
#define | TLM_API_FILE_OPEN_ERR 28022 |
| Error opening a file needed to complete the operation.
#define | TLM_API_ALREADY_EXISTS 28023 |
| The item already exists.
#define | TLM_API_DOES_NOT_EXIST 28024 |
| The item does not exist.
#define | TLM_API_NAME_LEN_ERROR 28025 |
| The specified name is too long.
#define | TLM_API_PKT_NAME_LEN_ERR 28026 |
| The specified packet name is too long.
#define | TLM_API_INIT_FAILED 28027 |
| The Telemetry API could not be initialized.
#define | TLM_API_TLS_NULL 28028 |
| Thread local storage is needed and not available.
#define | TLM_API_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE 28029 |
| The amount of space allocated for a copy is insufficient.
#define | TLM_API_MISSING_DATA 28030 |
| (Considered Success) Some of the requested data was missing. Oldest available data returned.
| (Considered Success) The function completed successfully and you can make another call to get even more data!
Error codes for the Telemetry API (starts at 28001)