#define | TCA_ENV_FETCH_ERROR 31001 |
| Error retrieving environment variable.
#define | TCA_CREATE_DIR_ERROR 31002 |
| Error creating directory.
#define | TCA_ERROR_NOT_DIR 31003 |
| Name exists, but is a file and not a directory.
#define | TCA_SRC_DOES_NOT_EXIST 31004 |
| The specified source does not exist or is not accessible by user.
#define | TCA_DEST_DOES_NOT_EXIST 31005 |
| The specified destination does not exist.
#define | TCA_DEST_ALREADY_EXISTS 31006 |
| The specified destinatino already exists.
#define | TCA_DIR_NOT_FOUND 31007 |
| The specified directory does not exist.
#define | TCA_DIR_NOT_EMPTY 31008 |
| The directory contains files and/or subdirectories.
#define | TCA_XML_DOC_OUT_OF_MEMORY 31009 |
| Memory error when creating XML document. See message log for additional information.
#define | TCA_XML_DOC_EXCEPTION 31010 |
| XML document exception. See message log for additional information.
#define | TCA_XML_DOC_UNKNOWN_ERROR 31011 |
| Unknown XML document error. See message log for additional information.
#define | TCA_XML_DOC_ALREADY_EXISTS 31012 |
| The XML document already exists.
#define | TCA_XML_DOC_DOES_NOT_EXIST 31013 |
| The XML document does not exist.
| The XML element already exists.
#define | TCA_XML_PARSER_ERROR 31015 |
| Error parsing XML document.
#define | TCA_COULD_NOT_FIND_TMP_DIR 31016 |
| Could not determine the system's temporary directory for completing action.
#define | TCA_CLOSE_FAILED 31017 |
| Could not close system resource.
#define | TCA_NOT_AVAILABLE 31018 |
| The requested system resource is not available. It may be uninitialized.
#define | TCA_WAIT_FAILED 31019 |
| The wait failed. This error is not the same as a timeout.
#define | TCA_WAIT_TIMEOUT 31020 |
| The wait timeout expired.
#define | TCA_WAIT_ABANDONED 31021 |
| The wait was abandoned.
#define | TCA_WAIT_ERROR 31022 |
| An unknown wait error occurred.
#define | TCA_ALREADY_EXISTS 31023 |
| The item already exists.
#define | TCA_UNLOCK_FAIL 31024 |
| Unable to release the resource.
#define | TCA_UNLINK_FAILED 31025 |
| Unable to unlink the resource.
#define | TCA_OPEN_FAILED 31026 |
| Unable to open the resource.
#define | TCA_ALREADY_CREATED 31027 |
| Resource is already created.
#define | TCA_ALREADY_OPENED 31028 |
| Resource is already opened.
#define | TCA_CREATE_FAILED 31029 |
| Failed to create resource.
| Error signaling a semaphore.
#define | TCA_NAME_TOO_LONG 31031 |
| The specified name is too long.
#define | TCA_SIZE_TOO_SMALL 31032 |
| The specified name is too small.
| Error creating a shared memory file.
| Error mapping a shared memory file.
| Error mapping a view of shared memory file.
| Error truncating a shared memory file.
| Error unlinking a shared memory file.
| Error closing a shared memory map file handle.
| Error closing shared memory file handle.
| Error unmapping shared memory file.
| Error closing the owner semaphore for a shared memory file.
#define | TCA_ERROR_CLOSING_USER_SEM 31042 |
| Error closing the user semaphore for a shared memory file.
| Error creating the owner semaphore for a shared memory file.
| Error creating the user semaphore for a shared memory file.
| Error opening shared memory file map.
| Error opening shared memory file.
| Error opening owner semaphore for shared memory file.
#define | TCA_ERROR_OPENING_USER_SEM 31048 |
| Error opening user semaphore for shared memory file.
#define | TCA_DOES_NOT_EXIST 31049 |
| The specified item does not exist.
#define | TCA_ILLEGAL_TYPE 31050 |
| The requested item is not the requested type.
| The relative path is invalid.
| Error getting boot port.
#define | TCA_ERROR_STRAPPING_BOOT 31053 |
| Error strapping boot port.
| Error setting the file size for shared memory.
#define | TCA_ERROR_WRITING_FILE 31055 |
| Error writing shared memory file.
| Fractional seconds is greater than allowed for current time settings.
#define | TCA_NEG_TIME_NOT_ALLOWED 31057 |
| Negative time is not allowed.
#define | TCA_TIME_ERROR 31058 |
| Error retrieving time.
#define | TCA_MESSAGE_QUEUED 31059 |
| Message could not be logged and was queued for logging at a later time.
#define | TCA_QUEUE_FULL 31060 |
| Message log queue is full.
#define | TCA_INVALID_LENGTH 31061 |
| The specified length is invalid for the operation.
#define | TCA_XML_PARSER_INIT_FAILED 31062 |
| Failed to initialize the XML parser.
#define | TCA_NO_STRING_FOUND 31063 |
| Could not find a string.
#define | TCA_ERROR_OPENING_LOG_FILE 31064 |
| Error opening the log file.
| Error writing message to the log file.
#define | TCA_NO_LOG_FILE_EXISTS 31067 |
| No log file exists.
| Error renaming log file.
#define | TCA_ERROR_CLOSING_LOG_FILE 31069 |
| Error closing log file.
#define | TCA_NULL_POINTER 31070 |
| A NULL pointer was detected.
#define | TCA_FILE_OPEN_ERROR 31071 |
| A file could not be opened. Most likely the file does not exist.
#define | TCA_NO_ENOUGH_SPACE 31072 |
| There is not enough space allocated to complete the task.
#define | TCA_MUTEX_CREATION_ERROR 31101 |
| Error creating mutex needed for protecting access.
#define | TCA_TMP_DIR_ERROR 31102 |
| Could not determine temporary directory.
#define | TCA_PID_DOES_NOT_EXIST 31103 |
| A process id was needed, but can't be found. This is an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
#define | TCA_THREAD_DOES_NOT_EXIST 31104 |
| A thread was not found. This is an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
#define | TCA_SHMEM_OPEN_ERROR 31105 |
| Could not open shared memory. Some resources may not have been freed. Calling TelemetryApi::Cleanse() may free these resources.
#define | TCA_MUTEX_OPEN_ERROR 31106 |
| Could not open a mutex. Some resources may not have been freed. Calling TelemetryApi::Cleanse() may free these resources.
| Cannot initialize a data store more than once.
#define | TCA_NAME_LENGTH_ERROR 31108 |
| Data store name lengths must be between 1 and 200 characters inclusive.
#define | TCA_THREAD_START_ERROR 31109 |
| Error starting a thread. This is an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
#define | TCA_UNKNOWN_REQUEST 31110 |
| An unknown request was made. Most likely an internal TReK error. Contact the TReK help desk.
#define | TCA_ALREADY_CONNECTED 31111 |
| The API is already connected. It is ok to continue.
#define | TCA_NAME_LEN_ERROR 31112 |
| The length of the name is invalid. Names must be 1-200 characters.
#define | TCA_LOCAL_MUTEX_CREATE_ERR 31113 |
| Error creating a mutex. Likely indicates that system resources exceeded limits.
#define | TCA_OPEN_SERVER_SHM_ERR 31114 |
| Could not open shared memory. Most likely the other side hasn't created the shared memory. Did you configure something with this name?
#define | TCA_OPEN_SERVER_MUTEX_ERR 31115 |
| Likely an internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
#define | TCA_OPEN_SERVER_SEM_ERR 31116 |
| Likely an internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
#define | TCA_SERVER_WAIT_ERR 31117 |
| A timeout occurred. Indicates something else has a lock on memory or a possible internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
#define | TCA_SERVER_SIGNAL_ERR 31118 |
| Unlikely to ever occur, but could indicate system resource limit has been reached.
#define | TCA_SESSION_WAIT_ERR 31119 |
| A timeout occurred. Indicates something else has a lock on memory or a possible internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
#define | TCA_SESSION_REQUEST_FAIL 31120 |
| Could not create an API session. Please contact TReK help desk for assistance.
#define | TCA_OPEN_WORKER_SHM_ERR 31121 |
| Likely an internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
#define | TCA_WORKER_WAIT_ERR 31122 |
| A timeout occurred. Indicates something else has a lock on memory or a possible internal TReK coding error. Please contact TReK help desk.
#define | TCA_API_NOT_CONNECTED 31123 |
| API is not connected. Most likely caused by the required TReK application closing the needed support.
| Could not start a required thread.
#define | TCA_API_NAME_NOT_SET 31125 |
| Indicates a programming error internal to TReK. Contact the TReK help desk.