TReK .NET Framework  5.3.3
Telemetry/Command API
trek_cmd_user_api.h File Reference

Defines the Release 3 Compatible Command API. More...

#include "trek.h"
#include "trek_error.h"


#define CMD_API_INVALID_LENGTH   14001
 This message indicates that the user specified command length is greater than what is allowed.
#define CMD_API_USER_DISABLED   14002
 This error can occur for POIC destinations that are of the blocking type if destination checking is being performed on the User Enabled parameter that is included in the POIC Command System Status Message. This message indicates that TReK has determined that the POIC status indicates that the user is disabled from commanding. The request for uplink was never sent to the POIC from TReK.
#define CMD_API_MCCH_DISABLED   14003
 This error can occur for POIC destinations that are of the blocking type if destination checking is being performed on the User Enabled parameter that is included in the POIC Command System Status Message. This message indicates that TReK has determined that the POIC status indicates that the Mission Control Center Houston (MCCH) is disabled for commanding. The request for uplink was never sent to the POIC from TReK.
#define CMD_API_POIC_DISABLED   14004
 This error can occur for POIC destinations that are of the blocking type if destination checking is being performed on the User Enabled parameter that is included in the POIC Command System Status Message. This message indicates that TReK has determined that the POIC status indicates that the POIC is disabled for commanding. The request for uplink was never sent to the POIC from TReK.
 This error can occur for POIC destinations that are of the blocking type if destination checking is being performed on the User Enabled parameter that is included in the POIC Command System Status Message. This message indicates that TReK has determined that the POIC status indicates that all remote users are disabled from commanding. The request for uplink was never sent to the POIC from TReK.
#define CMD_API_MCCH_HAS_LOS   14006
 This error can occur for POIC destinations that are of the blocking type if destination checking is being performed on the User Enabled parameter that is included in the POIC Command System Status Message. This message indicates that TReK has determined that the POIC status indicates that the Mission Control Center Houston (MCCH) is in LOS. The request for uplink was never sent to the POIC from TReK.
 This error can occur for POIC destinations that are of the blocking type if destination checking is being performed on the User Enabled parameter that is included in the POIC Command System Status Message. This message indicates that TReK has determined that the command mnemonic supplied does not exist. The request was never sent from TReK.
 This message indicates that the specified destination does not exist. The destination may have been added to Command Processing, but not activated.
 This message indicates that the specified command mnemonic does not exist for the destination.
#define CMD_API_HEADER_NOT_FOUND   14010
 This message indicates that the specified header mnemonic does not exist for the destination.
#define CMD_API_FIELD_NOT_FOUND   14011
 This message indicates that the specified field is not part of the header or command for this destination.
 This message indicates that the specified field exists, but is not modifiable.
 You have specified an illegal field type. The two valid field types are COMMAND_FIELD and HEADER_FIELD.
#define CMD_API_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE   14014
 The space you have allocated is insufficient to hold the returned data.
 The data type you have chosen does not match the field’s data type.
#define CMD_API_NO_INITIAL_DATA   14016
 The modifiable field has no initial value.
 The error_code is not a known return value for the Command API library. String value still set.
 New value for update is too small.
 New value for update is too large.
 Function returned due to user forcing the destination to unblock. This error only occurs for blocking destinations. The user is advised to proceed with caution, as the interface may not behave properly.
 One or more fields for the command do not have a value.
 One or more fields for the header do not have a value.
#define CMD_API_NO_DATA_IN_FIELD   14023
 Returned from the Get…Field functions when no data is stored in the field. Use an Update…Field function.
#define CMD_API_WAIT_TIMEOUT   14024
 A timeout occurred while waiting for the data. If subsequent calls to API functions return this value, the problem should be reported to the help desk. It may be necessary to delete the destination and add it back.
 Returned when the incorrect function is used to update a field value. Return code indicates you should use UpdateStringFieldValue.
 Returned when the incorrect function is used to update a field value. Return code indicates you should use UpdateNumericFieldValue.
 Returned when the incorrect function is used to update a field value. Return code indicates you should use UpdateBinaryFieldValue.
 Returned when a function is not allowed for the destination type. For example, you cannot call UplinkPOICCommand for a Suitcase Simulator destination.
 Returned from UpdateDestinationDatabase when the specified command has no modifiable fields.
 The mnemonic must be less than or equal to twenty characters.
 Returned when the incorrect function is used to get a field’s value. Return code indicates you should use GetStringFieldValue.
 Returned when the incorrect function is used to get a field’s value. Return code indicates you should use GetBinaryFieldValue.
 Returned when the incorrect function is used to get a field’s value. Return code indicates you should use GetNumericFieldValue.
 The option to always add a NULL terminating character is turned on and the length of one or more string fields in the command do not have room for the NULL character. See the message area in Command Processing for the field name.
 The option to always add a NULL terminating character is turned on and the length of one or more string fields in the header do not have room for the NULL character. See the message area in Command Processing for the field name.
 A calibration error occurred while building the command. For example, the value set for a field does not match a valid state code. See the message area in Command Processing for the field name.
 The calibrated value will not fit in the required field. For example, the calibrated value is –1 and the uplink data type is IUNS (unsigned integer). See the message area in Command Processing for the field name.
#define CMD_API_VALUE_ERROR   14038
 The value will not fit in the required field. See the message area in Command Processing for the field name.
 The number of retries is larger than what is allowed by the Command System Configuration Message.
 The number of retries must be greater than or equal to zero.
 Returned if the destination name specified exceeds the maximum length for a destination name (24 characters).
 The API could not create the necessary memory for thread storage. If you see this error, please contact the TReK help desk.
 The API could not initialize the needed resources. If you see this error, please contact the TReK help desk.
#define CMD_API_WAIT_FAILED   14044
 The API failed while waiting for TReK to return data. If you see this error, please contact the TReK help desk.
#define CMD_API_WAIT_ABANDONED   14045
 The API abandoned waiting for TReK to return data. If you see this error, please contact the TReK help desk.
 The API could not attach the thread resources. If you see this error, please contact the TReK help desk.
#define CMD_API_FSV1_SEQ_ERROR   14201
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_FSV1_CHECKSUM_FAIL   14202
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_FSV1_INVALID_APID   14203
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.

 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_FSV1_CMD_INHIBITED   14251
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_FSV1_CMD_ORU_FAILED   14265
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in SSP 41154 Appendix E.
 Return Code defined in SSP 41154 Appendix E.
 This message indicates that TReK was unable to send the command to the destination. TReK may no longer be connected to the destination.
 This message indicates that TReK is unable to interpret the data values for the command fields in the TReK command database.
 This message indicates that TReK is unable to determine how to build the command (e.g., pass thru the command, build only the header or build the entire command).
 This message indicates that TReK is not configured to send commands to this destination.
 This message indicates that TReK was unable to build the command packet’s header as defined in the database. Possible explanations are a command field length mismatch between the database field definition and the database field value or no database field definition or data value.
 This message indicates that TReK was unable to build the command packet as defined in the database. Possible explanations are a command field length mismatch between the database field definition and the database field value or no database field definition or data value.
 This message indicates that TReK is not configured to send commands to this destination.
 This message indicates that TReK is not able to communicate with the socket that sends the command. The most likely explanation is the socket is busy receiving command responses from the command destination.
 This message indicates that TReK is not configured to send commands to this destination.
 This message indicates that TReK was not able to properly build the EHS primary header or secondary header or checksum for the command packet.
 This message indicates that TReK is not configured to send commands to this destination.
 This message indicates that TReK did not properly build the command packet’s header. Possible explanations are an incorrect database field definition or incorrect database field value.
 This message indicates that TReK did not properly build the command packet. Possible explanations are an incorrect database field definition or incorrect database field value.
 This message indicates that TReK did not send the command for an unknown reason. Please contact the TReK Help Desk for further assistance.
 Unknown message type received. Contact TReK help desk.
 Unknown message subtype received. Contact TReK help desk.
 Message could not be built. Contact TReK help desk.
 User provided validation software found error in the uplink pattern. A detailed error code can be seen in the real time command data viewer.
 The user provided validation software did not return a status in the allotted time.
 The command request has been queued on the command node. An additional TRR message will be sent when the command is being processed.
 Command request timed out. Command was rejected.
 The UplinkUserCommand, UplinkUserCommandVB, AddHeaderAndUplink, and AddHeaderAndUplinkVB functions are not allowed by the command node.
 The UplinkTReKCommand function is not allowed by the command node.
 The UplinkPOICCommand function is not allowed by the command node.
 The UpdatePOICCommand function is not allowed by the command node.
 The UpdateCommandNode function is not allowed by the command node.
 A checksum error was found in the request. Try resending the command.
 Internal TReK error when trying to send request. See real time command data viewer for a detailed error code.
 Remote commanding is disabled at the command node.
 Internal TReK error extracting information from the request. Contact TReK help desk.
 Failure to acknowledge critical command.
 This command is not allowed to be updated or uplinked by the user.
 The user is disabled by the command node.
 The command could not be built because one or more of the fields do not have a value.
 The command was not found at the command node.
 A value will not fit into a command field. Most likely occurs when a NULL termination character could not be set for a string value.
 Calibrated value will not fit into the command field.
 Converted value will not fit into the command field.
 Error calibrating a field value.
 Unable to build a command field.
 Header identified by command node could not be found.
 The header for the command could not be built because one or more of the fields do not have a value.
 A value will not fit into a header field. Most likely occurs when a NULL termination character could not be set for a string value.
 Unable to build the header for the command.
 Unknown TRR error returned.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_ERR_INVALID_TIME   14613
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_ERR_EHS_DISABLED   14634
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_ERR_CMD_DISABLED   14636
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_CAR1_ILLEGAL_APID   14703
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_CAR1_PKT_SEQ_CNT_ERROR   14707
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_CAR1_INVALID_TIME   14713
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_CAR1_MCCH_DISABLED   14716
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_CAR1_UNKNOWN_ERROR   14799
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_FSV2_SEQ_ERROR   14801
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_FSV2_CHECKSUM_FAIL   14802
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_FSV2_INVALID_APID   14803
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_FSV2_CMD_INHIBITED   14851
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_FSV2_CMD_ORU_FAILED   14865
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_FSV2_UNKNOWN_ERROR   14899
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last two digits of error code correspond to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in SSP 41154 Appendix E.
 Return Code defined in SSP 41154 Appendix E.
#define CMD_API_CAR2_UPLINK_ERROR   14952
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_CAR2_UNKNOWN_ERROR   14959
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
#define CMD_API_FSV1_UNKNOWN_ERROR   14969
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.
 Return Code defined in command section of PGUIDD (Volume 2). Last digit of error code corresponds to PGUIDD error code number.

Detailed Description

Defines the Release 3 Compatible Command API.