TReK ANSI-C  5.3.2
ion_comm_statistics Struct Reference

All communication statistics for the local ION node. More...

#include <trek_ionizer_api.h>

Data Fields

struct ion_stats src
 Statistics on bundles sourced at the local node.
struct ion_stats fwd
 Statistics on bundles forwarded by the local node.
struct ion_stats xmt
 Statistics on bundles passed to convergence layer protocol from local node.
struct ion_stats rcv
 Statistics on bundles received from other nodes by the local node.
struct ion_stats dlv
 Statistics on bundles delivered to applications on the local node.
struct ion_stats ctr
 Statistics on custody refusal signals received at the local node.
struct ion_stats rfw
 Statistics on bundles for which convergence-layer transmission failed at local node causing bundles to be reforwarded.
struct ion_stats exp
 Statistics on bundles destroyed at this node due to time to live (TTL) expiration.

Detailed Description

All communication statistics for the local ION node.
