TReK Python
Telemetry/Command API
▼Ntrek | Defines the ApiClient class |
CApiClient | Provides common functionality between the Telemetry and Commanding APIs |
CBaseEnumerator | Abstract Base Class for Enumerators |
CCalibrator | This class is the abstraction for all numeric calibration |
CCalibratorSwitchSet | This class switches calibrator sets |
CChecksumParameterInfo | Checksum Parameter attributes |
CCommandApi | Provides access to command features of TReK |
CCommandResponse | This class holds all the responses associated with a single command uplink |
CCommandTrack | Contains one or more track items for command uplink history |
CCounterDependency | This class determine a parameter's dependency based on a counter |
CCounterParameterInfo | Counter Parameter attributes |
CDependency | This class is the abstraction for all parameter dependencies |
CEnumerator | This class maps unsigned integer values to strings for enumeration |
CEnumeratorRangePoint | Dataclass containing begin, end value in enumerator range values |
CEnumeratorSwitchSet | This class switches calibrator sets |
CExpectedStateAlarm | This class checks expected state violations |
CExpectedStateAlarmSwitchSet | This class switches expected state alarm sets |
CFormatCollection | This class describes a format collection composed of one or more parameter collections |
CIdentifierInfo | Identifier parameter attributes |
CIdentifierType | Types of identifiers |
CLengthParameterInfo | Length parameter attributes |
CLimitAlarm | This class checks a value for violation of defined limits |
CLimitAlarmSetType | Enumeration of limit types |
CLimitAlarmSwitchSet | This class switches limit sets |
CLimitType | Enumeration of limit types |
CNamedItem | This class is the provied the common set of names and descriptions allowed for different items in the Data API |
CPacket | This class describes a packet composed of one or more parameters |
CPacketChecksumPointType | Enumeration of start and end points for checksums |
CPacketChecksumType | Enumeration of checksum types allowed |
CPacketItem | PacketItem is the base abstraction for data that can be added to a Packet |
CPacketZoneType | Packet Zones |
CParameter | This class describes a single parameter within a telemetry or command message including its value |
CParameterByteOrderType | Enumeration of telemetry data types |
CParameterCollection | This class describes a parameter collection |
CParameterDataFormat | Enumerations of valid data formats |
CParameterDataType | Enumeration of telemetry data types |
CParameterStatus | This class describes the status associated with a parameter value |
CPolynomialCalibrator | This class calibrates a value using a polynomial equation |
CRandomPacketCollection | This class describes a parameter collection composed of one or more parameters |
CRangeEnumerator | This class maps unsigned integer values to strings for enumeration |
CRangeSwitchInfo | Data class to return range switch information |
CResponseInfo | Dataclass holding the details of a specific command response |
CResponseItem | This dataclass holds values in response to a TrackItem.get_response() |
CSequenceFlagParameterInfo | SequenceFlag Parameter Info |
CSplineCalibrator | This class calibrates a value using a series of line segments |
CSplineCalibratorPoint | Spline Calibrator Point return by SplineCalibrator.get_points() |
CSwitchSet | This class is the abstraction for sets of information that can be switched by the value of a parameter |
CSwitchType | Types of Switches |
CSyllableInfo | Parameter Syllable configuration |
CTelemetryApi | Provides access to telemetry features of TReK |
CTimeStampParameterInfo | Timestamp Parameter Info |
CTrackItem | This class holds all of the responses associated with a single command uplink |
CTrackItemArray | Zero-based array of TrackItem's |
CTrekError | The TReK C++ was designed to return error codes |
CTrekTime | This class holds a time value represented as seconds from the system epoch |
CTrekTimeComponents | TrekTime Components |