TReK Python  5.3.2
Telemetry/Command API
ExpectedStateAlarmSwitchSet Class Reference

This class switches expected state alarm sets. More...

Inherits SwitchSet.

Public Member Functions

Initialize / Finalize

Functions handling class initialization and destruction.

def ExpectedStateAlarmSwitchSet ( Optional[ExpectedStateAlarmSwitchSet] expected_alarm_set=None, Optional[c_void_p] native_ptr=None, is_clone: bool=False) -> def 
 Class initializer. More...
def load_file (filename: str) -> None 
 Loads the ExpectedStateAlarmSwitchSet definition from the specified file. More...
def save_file (filename: str) -> None 
 Saves the ExpectedStateAlarmSwitchSet definition to the specified file. More...
def clone () -> ExpectedStateAlarmSwitchSet 
 Creates and returns an extact copy of the object.
def copy (copy_from: object) -> None 
 Copies the contents of the provided 'copy_from' ExpectedStateAlarmSwitchSet. More...
SwitchSet Alarm Management

Functions adding/removing Alarms.

def add_expected_state_alarm ( ExpectedStateAlarm expected_state_alarm) -> None 
 Adds an expected state alarm. More...
def delete_expected_state_alarm (name: str) -> None 
 Deletes the specified expected state alarm. More...
def delete_all_expected_state_alarms () -> None 
 Deletes all of the expected state alarms.
def get_expected_state_alarm (name: str) -> Optional[ExpectedStateAlarm
 Returns the expected state alarm with the specified name. More...
Alarm State Management

Functions handling expected state.

def check (enum_str: str, ParameterStatus param_status) -> None 
 Checks the supplied string value for an expected state violation. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SwitchSet
def initialize () -> None 
 Initializes the object. More...
def set_default_set_name (name: str) -> None 
 Sets the default set name. More...
def get_default_set_name () -> str 
 Gets the default set name. More...
def set_switch_parameter_name (par_name: str) -> None 
 Sets the name of the parameter to use as a switch. More...
def get_switch_parameter_name () -> str 
 Gets the switch parameter name. More...
def set_switch_type ( SwitchType switch_type) -> None 
 Sets the type of switch to use. More...
def get_switch_type () -> SwitchType 
 Returns the current switch type. More...
def get_item_names () -> list[str] 
 Retrieves an array of the (e.g., calibrator) names from the set. More...
def add_enumeration_switch (enum_name: str, name: str) -> None 
 Adds an enumeration switch. More...
def get_enumeration_switches () -> list[str] 
 Gets the enumeration values for the switch. More...
def get_enumeration_info (enum_name: str) -> str 
 Gets the name for a switch based on its enumerated value. More...
def get_enumeration_info_length (enum_name: str) -> int 
 Gets the length for returned info of input parameter. More...
def delete_enumeration_switch (enum_name: str) -> None 
 Deletes the specified enumeration switch. More...
def add_range_switch (low: float, high: float, name: str) -> None 
 Adds a range switch. More...
def get_range_switches () -> list[float] 
 Gets the low value for each range switch.
def get_range_switch_info (low: float) -> RangeSwitchInfo 
 Gets the high value and name for a range switch based on its low value. More...
def get_range_switch_info_length (low: float) -> int 
 Gets the length for returned info of input parameter. More...
def delete_range_switch (low: float) -> None 
 Deletes the specified range switch. More...
def validate () -> int 
 Determines if it is safe to use the switched set. More...
def get_validation_errors () -> str 
 Gets a string of the last validation errors. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from NamedItem
def __eq__ (named_item: object) -> bool 
 Equality operator "==". More...
def get_alias () -> str 
 Returns the alias of the item. More...
def get_name () -> str 
 Returns the name of the item. More...
def get_long_description () -> str 
 Returns the long description of the item. More...
def get_short_description () -> str 
 Returns the short description of the item. More...
def get_user_description () -> str 
 Returns the user description of the item. More...
def get_owner () -> str 
 Returns the owner of the item. More...
def set_name (name: str) -> None 
 Sets the name of the item. More...
def set_alias (alias: str) -> None 
 Sets the alias of the item. More...
def set_short_description (description: str) -> None 
 Sets the short description of the item. More...
def set_long_description (description: str) -> None 
 Sets the long description of the item. More...
def set_user_description (description: str) -> None 
 Sets the user description of the item. More...
def set_owner (owner: str) -> None 
 Sets the owner of the item. More...

Detailed Description

This class switches expected state alarm sets.

The details of switching are defined in SwitchSet. This class limits the type of information that is in the set and provides the serialization of the data.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ExpectedStateAlarmSwitchSet()

ExpectedStateAlarmSwitchSet (expected_alarm_set : Optional[ExpectedStateAlarmSwitchSet]