Enumeration of all valid data types for TReK.
Enumerator |
DT_TWOS_COMPLEMENT | Two's complement integer value ranging from 2 to 64 bits in length.
DT_UNSIGNED_INTEGER | Unsigned integer value ranging from 1 to 64 bits in length.
DT_BINARY_CODED_DECIMAL | Binary coded decimal from 1 to 4 digits (4 to 16 bits)
DT_DISTENDED_SIGNED_INTEGER | Lowest 12 bits contain the magnitude and the most significant bit is the sign. All other bits ignored.
DT_SIGN_AND_MAGNITUDE_INTEGER | Most significant bit is sign all others are magnitude. 2 to 32 bits in length.
DT_IEEE_FLOATING_POINT | IEEE floating point value. Single precision is 32 bits. Double precision is 64 bits.
DT_NULL_TERMINATED_STRING | ASCII string terminated by a NULL (0x00) character.
DT_FIXED_LENGTH_STRING | ASCII string of fixed length that may or may not contain a terminating character.
DT_BOOLEAN | Single bit value where 1 indicates true and 0 indicates false.
DT_UNSPECIFIED_BYTES | Binary data that has no type. From 1 to 65,000 bytes.
DT_GPS_EPOCH_TIME | 32 bit seconds since midnight January 6, 1980
DT_EHS_TIME | 48, 52, or 56 bit time found in the EHS Primary Protocol Header. 52 and 56 bit versions have resolution to one tenth of a second.
DT_ISS_TIME | 40 bits (32-bit seconds since GPS plus 8 bit fractional time...1 bit = ~4ms)
DT_FASTSAT_TIME | 32 bit GPS plus 16 bit fractional milliseconds (max value 999).
DT_DEM_TIME | 32 bit GPS plus 10 bit fractional milliseconds (max value 999).
DT_UNIX_TIME | 32 bits seconds since midnight January 1, 1970
DT_EHS_CONV_TIME | 320 bit time used exclusively for 'converted' time data in EHS GSE Packets.
DT_ISAT_TIME | 32 bits seconds since midnight January 1, 1970 plus 16 bit milliseconds