TReK Python  5.3.3
Telemetry/Command API
NamedItem Class Reference

This class is the provied the common set of names and descriptions allowed for different items in the Data API. More...

Inherited by BaseEnumerator, Calibrator, ExpectedStateAlarm, LimitAlarm, PacketItem, Parameter, and SwitchSet.

Public Member Functions

Initialize / Finalize

Functions handling class initialization and destruction.

def NamedItem ( Optional[NamedItem] named_item=None -> None  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Class initializer. More...
def __eq__ (named_item: object -> bool  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Equality operator "==". More...
def copy (copy_from: object -> None  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Copies the contents of the provided 'copy_from' NamedItem into this NamedItem. More...
def initialize ( -> None  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Initializes the object. More...
Get Attributes

Functions to get the value of the NamedItem's attributes.

def get_alias ( -> str  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Returns the alias of the item. More...
def get_name ( -> str  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Returns the name of the item. More...
def get_long_description ( -> str  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Returns the long description of the item. More...
def get_short_description ( -> str  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Returns the short description of the item. More...
def get_user_description ( -> str  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Returns the user description of the item. More...
def get_owner ( -> str  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Returns the owner of the item. More...
Set Attributes

Functions to set the value of the NamedItem's attributes.

def set_name (name: str -> None  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Sets the name of the item. More...
def set_alias (alias: str -> None  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Sets the alias of the item. More...
def set_short_description (description: str -> None  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Sets the short description of the item. More...
def set_long_description (description: str -> None  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Sets the long description of the item. More...
def set_user_description (description: str -> None  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Sets the user description of the item. More...
def set_owner (owner: str -> None  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Sets the owner of the item. More...

Detailed Description

This class is the provied the common set of names and descriptions allowed for different items in the Data API.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NamedItem()

(named_item : Optional[NamedItem]