TReK Python  5.3.3
Telemetry/Command API
TrackItem Class Reference

This class holds all of the responses associated with a single command uplink. More...

Public Member Functions

Initialize / Finalize

Functions handling class initialization and finalization.

def TrackItem ( Optional[c_void_p] native_ptr=None -> None  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Default constructor. More...
TrackItem Properties

Functions handling TrackItem properties.

def get_command_name ( -> str  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Returns the command name associated with the uplink. More...
def get_token ( -> int  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Returns the token associated with the command uplink.
def get_uplink_time ( TrekTime time -> None  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Returns the time associated with the command uplink. More...
def set_command_name (name: str -> None  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Set the command name. More...
def set_token (token: int -> None  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Set the current token. More...

Functions handling responses.

def get_number_of_responses ( -> int  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Returns the number of responses available. More...
def get_response (index: int -> ResponseItem  -> def  -> def ) -> def 
 Gets the information about the specified response. More...

Detailed Description

This class holds all of the responses associated with a single command uplink.

Only methods that are expected to be used by user applications are documented.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TrackItem()

(native_ptr : Optional[c_void_p]