
TReK future software releases schedule.

Version Type Date Description
5.3.3 Release 9/19/2023 Adding TReK HPEG Console Application providing support to automate HPEG capabilities.
5.3.2 Release 3/7/2023 Added support for a HOSC update to increase the number of KuIP user payload destinations supported, a new packet generator application, a TReK Python API for the Data, Telemetry and Command classes, an enhancement to support TReK 3 file naming convention for parameter extraction files, updates to the ERIS sim console to support command service requests, and an update to the TReK Windows installer to include a TREK_DLL32 environment variable to point to the latest version of the 32-bit DLLs in the install. This release will be available for 64-bit Windows 10 and 64 bit RHEL 8.
5.3.1 Release 10/20/2021 Added support for simultaneous access to multiple HOSC DTN ground gateways. This release will available for 64-bit Windows 10, 64-bit RHEL 7, and 64 bit RHEL 8.