TReK Python  5.3.3
Telemetry/Command API
trek Namespace Reference

Defines the ApiClient class. More...


class  _GetValue
class  _GetValueStatus
class  _ResponseInfo
 Internal "struct" passed to C++ to retrieve response information.
class  _SetValue
class  ApiClient
 Provides common functionality between the Telemetry and Commanding APIs. More...
class  BaseEnumerator
 Abstract Base Class for Enumerators. More...
class  Calibrator
 This class is the abstraction for all numeric calibration. More...
class  CalibratorSwitchSet
 This class switches calibrator sets. More...
class  ChecksumParameterInfo
 Checksum Parameter attributes. More...
class  CommandApi
 Provides access to command features of TReK. More...
class  CommandResponse
 This class holds all the responses associated with a single command uplink. More...
class  CommandTrack
 Contains one or more track items for command uplink history. More...
class  CounterDependency
 This class determine a parameter's dependency based on a counter. More...
class  CounterParameterInfo
 Counter Parameter attributes. More...
class  Dependency
 This class is the abstraction for all parameter dependencies. More...
class  Enumerator
 This class maps unsigned integer values to strings for enumeration. More...
class  EnumeratorRangePoint
 Dataclass containing begin, end value in enumerator range values. More...
class  EnumeratorSwitchSet
 This class switches calibrator sets. More...
class  ExpectedStateAlarm
 This class checks expected state violations. More...
class  ExpectedStateAlarmSwitchSet
 This class switches expected state alarm sets. More...
class  FormatCollection
 This class describes a format collection composed of one or more parameter collections. More...
class  IdentifierInfo
 Identifier parameter attributes. More...
class  IdentifierType
 Types of identifiers. More...
class  LengthParameterInfo
 Length parameter attributes. More...
class  LimitAlarm
 This class checks a value for violation of defined limits. More...
class  LimitAlarmSetType
 Enumeration of limit types. More...
class  LimitAlarmSwitchSet
 This class switches limit sets. More...
class  LimitType
 Enumeration of limit types. More...
class  NamedItem
 This class is the provied the common set of names and descriptions allowed for different items in the Data API. More...
class  Packet
 This class describes a packet composed of one or more parameters. More...
class  PacketChecksumPointType
 Enumeration of start and end points for checksums. More...
class  PacketChecksumType
 Enumeration of checksum types allowed. More...
class  PacketItem
 PacketItem is the base abstraction for data that can be added to a Packet. More...
class  PacketZoneType
 Packet Zones. More...
class  Parameter
 This class describes a single parameter within a telemetry or command message including its value. More...
class  ParameterByteOrderType
 Enumeration of telemetry data types. More...
class  ParameterCollection
 This class describes a parameter collection. More...
class  ParameterDataFormat
 Enumerations of valid data formats. More...
class  ParameterDataType
 Enumeration of telemetry data types. More...
class  ParameterStatus
 This class describes the status associated with a parameter value. More...
class  PolynomialCalibrator
 This class calibrates a value using a polynomial equation. More...
class  RandomPacketCollection
 This class describes a parameter collection composed of one or more parameters. More...
class  RangeEnumerator
 This class maps unsigned integer values to strings for enumeration. More...
class  RangeSwitchInfo
 Data class to return range switch information. More...
class  ResponseInfo
 Dataclass holding the details of a specific command response. More...
class  ResponseItem
 This dataclass holds values in response to a TrackItem.get_response(). More...
class  SequenceFlagParameterInfo
 SequenceFlag Parameter Info. More...
class  SplineCalibrator
 This class calibrates a value using a series of line segments. More...
class  SplineCalibratorPoint
 Spline Calibrator Point return by SplineCalibrator.get_points() More...
class  SwitchSet
 This class is the abstraction for sets of information that can be switched by the value of a parameter. More...
class  SwitchType
 Types of Switches. More...
class  SyllableInfo
 Parameter Syllable configuration. More...
class  TelemetryApi
 Provides access to telemetry features of TReK. More...
class  TimeStampParameterInfo
 Timestamp Parameter Info. More...
class  TrackItem
 This class holds all of the responses associated with a single command uplink. More...
class  TrackItemArray
 Zero-based array of TrackItem's. More...
class  TrekError
 The TReK C++ was designed to return error codes. More...
class  TrekTime
 This class holds a time value represented as seconds from the system epoch. More...
class  TrekTimeComponents
 TrekTime Components. More...


 PassedType = Union[int, float, str, bytes]
 Shorted means to indicate a varying return type of int, float, str or bytes.
 ReturnTypeStatus = Tuple[PassedType, int, int]
 Shorted means to indicate it returns varying type (int, float, str, bytes) and int, int status.
 The function completed successfully and you can make another call to get even more data!
 Some of the requested data was missing. More...
int SUCCESS = 0
 The function completed successfully.
int FAIL = 1
 The function failed for unknown reason.

Detailed Description

Defines the ApiClient class.

Variable Documentation



Some of the requested data was missing.

Oldest available data returned.